
The European Slave Trade

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Europeans were looking for a way to trade with china. During this time they managed to stumble across the americas. At first, europeans just used the americas for its resources. Later they realized they could take the land. After settling in the americas europeans needed slaves for many reasons. Portugal started the atlantic slave trade by shipping african slaves from their trading post in Africa. The Atlantic slave trade had many causes and effects during the Atlantic world which ends up changing the new world and the way it develops. Africans were chosen as slaves for the atlantic slave trade. Europeans had easy access to these people. They went to leaders on the coast of Africa and traded their trade goods for slaves in return. The leaders had often gotten slaves from villages within africa. The Europeans then took the africans and shipped them across the Atlantic to the new world. The slaves could not escape they were easily taken from their villages by their leaders. They were shipped across the …show more content…

They were used all across the americas. They had to work on plantations to make it possible to live and fund the person living there. There was two ways slaves had to do labor: gang labor or the task system. Gang labor was where slaves had to work whenever it was possible. Slaves who were in gang labor were overworked and died way faster than any other labor. Europeans made gang labor happen in places they knew they could make a profit in the time of the slaves lives. The other labor practice was the task system. Slaves had to do a certain amount of tasks for the day to keep from getting punished and if they managed to get it done they could do whatever they wanted in the bounds of slavery. Europeans did this when they wanted the slaves to live longer and to last longer. The slaves’ lives were about working in the new world and they were separated from their rights, family, and country with no way to get

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