
The European Union : The World 's Largest Single Market Essay

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The European Union is the world 's largest single market and the Export Helpdesk is your online portal to access it!

In just a few clicks companies can find the EU tariffs, requirements, preferential arrangements, quotas and statistics relating to imports from trade partner countries.
When exporting to the EU, you can benefit from a big European market of 28 countries with around 500 million consumers.

The principle of free movement of goods, allowing goods to be transported and sold anywhere in the EU, is a cornerstone of the EU market. To a certain extent, complex and varied national laws have been replaced by a single set of European rules, cutting down on costs and inconvenience for businesses wanting to trade in other EU countries.

The EU market for goods is already highly integrated and harmonised along the 28 countries. However, to make the EU market work efficiently, businesses have to respect a number of rules and compete fairly. Anticompetitive behaviours, such as the abuse of a dominant market position, price-fixing agreements and unwarranted public support, are prohibited.

To understand how the EU trade system is organised, the procedures to follow and the documents to fill in, check the pages in this section:

EU product classification system EU import procedures Documents for customs clearance EU Customs Union Value Added Tax (VAT) Excise duties

The European Union is the world 's biggest single market and the Export Helpdesk is

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