
The Evolution of the Microscope Essay

Decent Essays

Microscope Research Paper The evolution of the microscope. The first form of the microscope was a crystal that was found by someone from a long time ago. The crystal was thick in the middle, but thinner around the egdes. The crystal made things look bigger when someone looked through it. The pearson also noticed that if the sun shone through the crystal, certain things could get burnt or set on fire. They were known as "magnifiers". Magnifiers were mentioned in the writings of the two Roman philosophers, Seneca and Pliny. Apperantly, maginfiers weren't really used much until the invention of the spectacles. The oldest actual microscope was actually just a tube with a plate at one end and a glass lens at the other end. They magnified …show more content…

In the 19th century, a man named Carles A. Spencer had made major improvements to the microscope. He made the microscope have a magnification of 1250 diameters with ordinary light, and a magnification of up to 5000 diameters with blue light. Successes of the Microscope. The microscope has succeded at multiple things. It succeded at allowing scientists to study small, tiny things that cannot be seen, or barely can be seen, to the human eye. It has allowed scientists to make extraordinary discovieries. Failures of the Microscope. While the microscope has many successes, there are also failures that it has had. The microscope has a limited magnification, unfortanetly not allowing some small things to be seen. Feilds/Proffesions that use the Microscope. There are many jobs that use a microscope. One of those jobs is Microbiologists. Microbioligists use microscopes to identify microorganisms such as bacteria. The health care industry uses microscopes to identify pathogens in tissue samples. Another Profession that uses the microscope are Chemists and Biochemists. Microscopes are used in these professions to observe materials at molecular level or below. Microscopes help chemists and biochemists do research on how substances react. It also helps others develop new materials or products. Zoologists and wildlife biologists also use microscopes. They usually study wildlife, but they also do lab work. They use microscopes to analyze samples, so

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