
The Expanding Environment for Non Traditional Students

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Non Traditional Students

According to current estimates approximately 75 percent of college students are now nontraditional students – older than 25, attending school part time, and having delayed entry or reentry into college for a variety of personal reasons. Post secondary education is needed by such students to develop their careers and to acquire knowledge and skills required by a constantly changing global society. This trend is not restricted to North America; it is a worldwide phenomenon.
Over the years, these nontraditionals have chosen either slower or faster options to proceed through their chosen curricula. They could work incrementally, taking a few courses per year while taking advantage of workplace tuition reimbursement …show more content…

Then, teachers must reach goals using diverse methods and techniques which engage the student and make the learning process interesting. Though methods vary, a problem or task centered approach is generally considered superior to a subject matter approach. Students and professors may work together to co-create knowledge. Work in teams is an often used strategy because it replicates the experiences of nontraditional students in the workplace. Additionally, teachers work to reduce time and place restrictions for the nontraditional student that would limit that person’s access to course materials and assignments; asynchronous online options easily break down such barriers.
Furthermore, flexible access to student services has become more common over time. Clearer and more accessible information now exists on institutions and the specific programs needed for planning degrees and careers. Programs for nontraditional learners provide orientation workshops to reacquaint applicants with the rigors of college level study, and to reduce anxiety about reentry after a prolonged period of time. Some of these programs offer remedial classes to help the student re-learn or improve study skills. The availability of financial aid information has improved greatly over time.
Critics contend that the influx of nontraditionals into the college student market has accelerated a trend toward

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