At 10:27 am the streets of Newcastle became filled with thousands of devastated people as they spilled onto the streets as buildings began to crumble around them.
The shock measured 5.6 on the Richter magnitude scale, in seconds it turned a two story building into a disaster zone.
Rescue services such as VRA, Newcastle ambulance and fire departments and SES acted quickly trying to free people trapped under buildings. As a result of the earthquake 13 people were confirmed dead, more than 160 people were injured and left damage worth 3.5 billion U.S. dollars. Many of the city 's historical buildings were decimated - along with 35,000 homes damaged, resulting in 1000 displaced people.
According to a study conducted Christian D. Klose of Columbia University 's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, New York, the quake was triggered by changes in tectonic forces caused by 200 years of underground coal mining. But even more significant was groundwater pumping needed to keep the mines from flooding. For each ton of coal produced, 4.3 times more water was extracted. The mass removal of coal and water caused an “unload” of the entire continental crust. In the case of mining, an unload is the reduction of weight in a certain area, e.g., black coal and water in a colliery. If it has enough time, the tectonic plate reacts to this unload by forming a small deformation. If it does not have enough time because the rate of mass removal is too high, a fault zone can be reactivated
The damages were catastrophic as houses lay in ruin and debris littered the roads. There were mudslides and fallen rocks that paved the roads and made them impassible for vehicles to get through. Ultimately by the roads being clogged up the response time by rescue workers and essential personal were hampered. This also made it exceptionally difficult for supplies to be rushed to the locations for the earthquake survivors. As some were digging and excavating for survivors they were being halted by aftershocks and falling debris from above. Approximately 8000 people were killed either by their houses caving in or by the other disasters this earthquake triggered. It was a real life tragedy that
Lasting less than a minute, the immediate impact of the earthquake was disastrous. The earthquake also lead to several fires around the city that burned for three days and destroyed nearly 500 city blocks ( earthquake and fires killed an estimated 3,000
The fire destroyed about 3.5 miles of Chicago. Thousands of buildings were burned to the ground, homes were destroyed, and even the fire proof building collapsed due to the destructive fire. The fire caused 200 million dollars in damage in just two days. It was shocking for residents to come back and see their beloved city destroyed. By the end of the fire, 300 people had died and about 100 thousand people were left homeless and jobless. This was a devastating time to be in
On August 24, 2014 a magnitude 6.0 earthquake occurred in and around the city of Napa, CA. The earthquake killed one person and injured over 150 people. And these people were treated at Queen of the Valley Medical Center in Napa [1]. More and more earthquakes occurred on this earth. So this grasps people’s attention.
About 4000 people were killed over 9000 that were injured that was this famous event you might ask? It was the loma prieta earthquake, also known as the world series earthquake. Taking place in san francisco 1898 this was one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded in the bay area. This earthquake caused an estimate of 5.6 billion dollars for the total damage it had done .The person the was interviewed for this event was Mr.Demichel.he was about 10 when he felt the earthquake.
Tourism was a large part of the economy in many areas hit and with buildings destroyed and tourist having been killed the tourist industry took a big hit. This affected people’s ability to earn a living and an income to support their families. The fishing industry was also greatly affected with an estimated 100 000 fishing boats damaged or destroyed.
Damage was estimated to about 200 million dollars, with more than 17,000 buildings destroyed. Four buildings remained, even though the interior was gutted from the fire but their exterior remained and was used to make a new building. Two of which were church’s and the other two were a college and a pumping station. Population numbers also declined, there was an estimated number of 300 people killed leaving 100,000 homeless in this tragedy. The county coroner speculated that an accurate count was impossible, as some victims may have drowned or had been incinerated, leaving no
On April 18, 1906 at 5:12 a.m. an earthquake of an estimated moment magnitude of 7.8 hit
What did the people of San Francisco suffer after the earthquake of 1906? In order to answer this question, we need to know what the San Francisco earthquake was. The San Francisco earthquake happened in 1906 with a magnitude of 7.8 and caused a fire that burned for 7 days. This was the biggest recorded earthquake in San-Francisco. The foreshock started at 5:12am and 25 seconds later the earthquake started that lasted 40 to 60 seconds, with most San-Franciscans asleep in rooms, they became trapped with only their hope to save them. The earthquake and fire of San-Francisco in 1906 will go down as one of the worst earthquakes in the United States’ history. It’s after affects can still be felt in the California area.
Millions were made homeless by the huge waves that swept houses and cars away. It was estimated that the costs to repair all damage would be at approximately $5 billion.
Thirty people were killed instantly. Eight later died from their injuries and hundreds of others were injured. A majority of the persons killed were messengers making deliveries, stenographers, clerks, and brokers (Gross, 2001).The blast was so strong it sent debris soaring as high as 34 floors and derailed a street car one block over(Andrews, 2014). Buildings shook as their large windows burst inwards. Luckily, most of the occupants inside were spared
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) estimate that the number of lives that were lost as a result of the Haiti 2010 earthquake is 316,000 and rounded off would be 300,000
The earthquake was located on the San Andreas fault which is a seismic zone between two of the earth’s tectonic plates. Seismic events which occur is caused as a result of the earth’s tectonic plates moving against each other and this can cause huge earthquakes and volcanoes (“Young”). The transform boundary passes through California and this is where the Pacific and North American plates move past each other without colliding. The event in which this occurred was the San Andreas fault (“Young”). When the plates move past each other and the resistance builds up, this causes an earthquake like the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. This earthquake caused a separation and displacement in the landscape which was seen over several kilometers
The earthquake was initially approximated at 7.3 in magnitude, but later downgraded to 6.9 by US Geological Survey. Its epic center was located off the coast of Fukushima prefecture in Honshu island at a depth of about 9 miles.
New York Times reports that this event killing nearly 1100 people, because the building was unstable in their giant cracks in the foundation and walls.