
The External, Internal And Competitive Environment Of Mcdonalds

Satisfactory Essays

This assignment I am going to be discussing the external, internal and competitive environment that are the factors of my business. In this assignment I will be using McDonalds as my business. This assignment is about understanding the environment that McDonalds is in as it is a key part of planning which will allow me too acknowledge and eliminate the threats and opportunities with the environment of my business
I am going to be using for internal analysis swot analysis however for external analysis I am going to be using pestle analysis and finally analysing competitive environment through porters 5-force
Internal business environment: factors within a business that the organisation can control. This could be staff training, customer service etc.
Culture to a business is the way the business interacts within its own business the businesses values and traditions
The different types of business culture are…
First of there is businesses that consist of strong organisational culture this means that they are able to consist with a business that has strong core values this means that it has good employees and management.
Also there is weak organisational culture which is when the traditions and beliefs of the company are not cooperative with the members of the business
Task/power/role or entrepreneurial
Task is one of the 4 different types of culture. This is when the businesses focus on smaller projects with smaller teams of their employees
Another type of business

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