
The Fall Of Berlin 1945 Analysis

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In Anthony’s Beevor’s book “The Fall of Berlin 1945” his forward opens with a statement from Albert Speer, the so called architect of Nazi Germany. He states the following: “History always emphasizes terminal events.” Ironically, his text should refer to the Cold War between the two former Allies, Russian and the United States.. The conditions for World War II were drawn from the experiences, defeats and conditions set forward in the Treaty of Versailles which ended World War I. While, many events brought Adolph Hitler to power, including: the harsh terms imposed on Germany in the Treaty of Paris after World War I; the depression that followed World War I; the French and British government appeasements of Hitler; French and British overconfidence in their military and underestimation of Germany military strength. Coupled with a weak political leadership and desire to restore their military dominance, the Germans embraced Hitler’s doctrines. By 1943 after the Tehran Conference the shape and focus of the Cold War was determined; there would only be two super powers remaining. The power that won the most in WWII was Stalin; the master of deception and guile.When one looks in retrospect of the underpinnings of World War II; one often finds the quote of “fighting and preparing the last war” as appropriate in the context of preparation of pre-war Europe. While there were sufficient military theories advancing the new technologies and proposed by former commanders from

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