
The Farm Essay

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The Farm

In the summer, the creek bubbles and the leaves are in bloom. In the winter that same creek is frozen and everything around it is blank and barren. The memories for me in this part of the world are unforgettable, even though some are happier than others. I can still remember a particular dreadful event on the farm like it was yesterday. I was walking through the house on a hot summer day. I dare not go outside because I knew I'd die of heat exhaustion. In the house alone were my sister and I. My mother had run into town to do some errands, and my dad was out on the farm doing some chores. The phone rang and I casually picked it up.

It was my dad. “Adam,” he said, sort of anxiously, “I need you to come down the …show more content…

That tornado was amazing. My Dad and I were practicing are golf putting on the carpet in our living room. There was no doubt a storm was approaching, but there were no worries of a severe one. After putting my ball into another room, I went to retrieve it. By looking outside, I then knew we were about to be attacked by a killer storm. The tops of the trees were nearly hitting the ground and a large dust cloud flew through the field that was a mere one hundred yards away from my house. Little did I know at the time that the dust cloud was actually the tornado. We had no time to get into the basement, because it had passed before we had even realized it. The town's siren went off after it attacked us, so we had no warning. It's weird, but we had no time to be scared. As I proceeded further I had many more memories, some more striking than others. One was of my Dad pulling my brother and I on sleds while the snow was pouring down. Whenever it snowed on the farm, we always had a great time. Not only did we sled down hills, but we also pulled sleds behind snowmobiles and trucks. My brother had made "snow ramps" to make the treks even more exciting. We also used to ride four-wheelers during the summer down the lane. We made small little races and tracks to make riding even funner. A raccoon had even attacked me on the lane once! Luckily, my Dad was there to save me. I can still remember the cracking sound the two by four made when it

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