
The Female Image Of The Media Essay

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The Female Image in the Media
The world is full of many people. All are from various parts of world, they come from various backgrounds, and have different stories to tell. However, there are linking values that can bring us together. It can be race, sexuality, or even gender. Gender tends to be split into two ways in today’s society. People chose to be either male or female. And while this divide is not the most accurate, it is how people tend to be portrayed. In today 's society the media is one of the most efficient parts of our society to transfer thoughts and ideals and one of the most influential on portraying what is the newest trend and what is the model that people should aim for. This power is very important; however, it could be seen as a bad thing. People who watch television or read magazines or newspapers absorb what is given to them whether it is positive or negative. This is a problem for what the female image has come to. The female image that is portrayed in the various platforms of media such as, television, gaming, and movies is what I intend on focusing on.
In the seventy plus years since its invention, the television has been the one of the driving forces to broadcast information and entertainment all across the world. While in the past television was very geared towards the cis white male demographic, in today’s time it is common to see some imaging of people of all races, sexualities, genders, and other categories that cater towards a range of people,

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