
The First Year Of College

Decent Essays

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines transformation as “a complete or major change in someone 's or something 's appearance, form, etc.”. From the time of birth to adulthood humans have many different experiences which help to shape their lives and I believe that some of the experiences I had in the first year of college caused major changes in my thoughts, actions and over all demeanour in my life. Entering college I was scared from the onset, I mean I was just a child, regardless of being 17 years old and technically a young adult I never thought of myself as growing up. Therefore venturing out into the big wide world, trying to get a higher education, especially living on my own for the first time, I did not realise it at the time …show more content…

They shared their experiences and told me how they had to adjust as well. It was not until then I realised that I indeed had to start acting more maturely and become more independent while knowing that my family is always there to help me through anything rather than simply expecting them to fix and clean up my messes or handle my problems for me. My first step in doing this was to talk to my mother I told her that I loved and appreciated her very much but I would like her to help me become a strong, independent and mature woman just like her and that she can guide me through situations and not come to my rescue unless absolutely necessary. I thought she would be a little hurt but instead she smiled and gave me one of the biggest hug ever and said “my baby is growing up and I am so proud”. Then and there I knew I wanted that feeling forever and in order for people to respect and be proud of me I had to get my act together and work harder. According to Erik Erikson stage of Identity vs. Role Confusion, which ranges from the age of 12 to 18 years old; is when one is leaving childhood and now entering adulthood. McLeod (2013), states that Erikson determined that the individual is becoming more independent and starts to find his or her identity in society as it relates

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