
The Five People You Meet In Heaven By Mitch Albom

Decent Essays

“Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you’re not really losing it, you’re just passing it on to someone else.”(Albom 94). The novel, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, by Mitch Albom is about an 83 year old crippled veteran of World War II, named Eddie, or Eddie Maintenance. He had suffered a hard life, beginning with his birth to an abusive smoker and now earns his living maintaining the equipment for an amusement park named Ruby Pier. He soon ends up seeing the last bit of earth on is 83rd birthday after saving Amy, a little girl who he’d sacrificed his life for. The author helps the reader understand the Eddie’s actions, reactions, and dialogue with other characters. In the beginning of the story, the author vaguely describes Eddie as a crotchety pessimist, who is unsatisfied with his life, “He found himself in weary acceptance.” (Albom 5). He ends up seeing five random people who helps him understand the meaning of his life on earth. …show more content…

Eddie then finds himself back on a war ground in the Philippines, which resembled that on which he fought during WWII. Eddie was astounded when finds the general up on a tree smoking, “Betcha ain’t expected me huh.” The general starts to talk about sacrifice and how, “Sacrifice is a part of life. It's supposed to be. It's not something to regret. It's something to aspire to.” (Albom) The general is mainly referring to why he had shot Eddie’s leg during the war, “We would’ve lost you in the fire. You would’ve died.” (Albom 87). Eddie was vexed and expressed all his anger in an unhealthy way and started to, MLA FORMAT HERE. After all the punching and yelling, he finally understood why the captain didn’t want him to die, or to leave him behind. MLE FORMAT EVIDENCE HERE. This is how Eddie got the injury that made him very depressed for the rest of his life. When the general was about to leave Eddie quickly asked, “Wait! Did I save the little

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