
The Five Steps Of Data Analysis

Decent Essays

3. Big Data Analysis Process Analysis refers to break the problem into its constituent parts for individual examination. Data analysis Data analysis could be a method for getting raw data and changing it into information helpful for decision-making by users. Statistician John Tukey outlined data analysis in 1961 as: "Procedures for analyzing data, techniques for interpreting the results of such procedures, ways of planning the gathering of data to make its analysis easier, more precise or more accurate, and all the machinery and results of (mathematical) statistics which apply to analyzing data." (Agarwal, ElAbbadi, 2010) Business organizations receive different types data, from different sources, in the form of sales records, customer databases, …show more content…

The 5 Steps of Data Analysis 1- Narrative – Review research questions; Write some history; Describe a social process; Create summaries of interviews; Describe functions/structures of the group; Write up critical events chronologically; Make a list of important facts. Connect to your own experience. Read written descriptions. Relate participant's story to your own experience; locate self in the story as related to the participant(s); Look at how participants speak about self and their world. Making metaphors; Note reflections on collected data. (Bihani, Patil, 2014) 2- Coding – Create vignettes; create a conceptual framework. Identify data patterns; Extend analysis by asking questions derived from the data. Develop that means from the statements; organize meanings into clusters of themes. Break down text transcripts into overlapping themes and Sub-themes; Organize data in different ways to tap into different dimensions of data sets. Note patterns and themes; Cluster; Partition variables; Subsume particulars into the general; Factor; Note relations between variables; Find intervening variables; Follow up surprises; Develop codes and apply to textual data; Identify patterns, themes, relationships between themes; Conduct an investigation of common/different aspects; Categorize and sort data; Order and reorder data by chronology, importance, frequency. (Bihani, Patil,

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