3. Big Data Analysis Process Analysis refers to break the problem into its constituent parts for individual examination. Data analysis Data analysis could be a method for getting raw data and changing it into information helpful for decision-making by users. Statistician John Tukey outlined data analysis in 1961 as: "Procedures for analyzing data, techniques for interpreting the results of such procedures, ways of planning the gathering of data to make its analysis easier, more precise or more accurate, and all the machinery and results of (mathematical) statistics which apply to analyzing data." (Agarwal, ElAbbadi, 2010) Business organizations receive different types data, from different sources, in the form of sales records, customer databases, …show more content…
The 5 Steps of Data Analysis 1- Narrative – Review research questions; Write some history; Describe a social process; Create summaries of interviews; Describe functions/structures of the group; Write up critical events chronologically; Make a list of important facts. Connect to your own experience. Read written descriptions. Relate participant's story to your own experience; locate self in the story as related to the participant(s); Look at how participants speak about self and their world. Making metaphors; Note reflections on collected data. (Bihani, Patil, 2014) 2- Coding – Create vignettes; create a conceptual framework. Identify data patterns; Extend analysis by asking questions derived from the data. Develop that means from the statements; organize meanings into clusters of themes. Break down text transcripts into overlapping themes and Sub-themes; Organize data in different ways to tap into different dimensions of data sets. Note patterns and themes; Cluster; Partition variables; Subsume particulars into the general; Factor; Note relations between variables; Find intervening variables; Follow up surprises; Develop codes and apply to textual data; Identify patterns, themes, relationships between themes; Conduct an investigation of common/different aspects; Categorize and sort data; Order and reorder data by chronology, importance, frequency. (Bihani, Patil,
The beginning of the raw data into the data filtering and processing systems. For example, if you think the interested in the differences by age, it is probably to start with customers surveys from different age groups.
3. Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use
179). This is an important statement as it means the researcher needs to start thinking about how they will analyze their data before they even collect it. In order to properly analyze the data, the researcher should transcribe each interview and then compare it to their observations and journal (Badenhorst, 2008). When analyzing the data the researcher must keep in mind the research questions, and create themes through the data that relate to the research question. First, the researcher will analyze each session together, coming up with keynotes and themes from the observations, interviews, and journals (Anderson & Austin, 2012). Once that is analyzed, each piece from each session will then be compared with each other. For example did participants enjoy the program in session 1 but not by session 5? Why did this happen? Was the program too repetitive? Was it the same thing over and over? Was there a different instructor? After the analysis is done the researcher must put the data into a legible discussion
To begin, I will start with narrative research. According to Cresswell (2013), a narrative could be a phenomenon being studied. An example of this would be a phenomenon of an illness; what meaning does one ascribe to an illness? A method that is often viewed in narrative research is to listening to the experiences that are expressed in stories from individuals. The defining features of
Trident University Data analysis is a procedure of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modelling data with the goal of highlighting useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision making. There are multiple facts and approaches, encompassing diverse techniques under a variety of names, in different business, science, and social science domains in data analysis. For data analysis we have to mine the data first for our purpose such that the data we can handle easily. Basically for data analysis our first thing to do our planning, how we are going to collect the data, our going data going to make sense or not, actually data will be meaningful for our object, after
Research and analysis techniques allow us to examine the information or a problem in detail in order to identify key or vital elements, their strengths and weaknesses and use these to compile a persuasive argument, make recommendation or solve a problem. Making a simple decision may need intensive research, because our small mistake can destroy our image in the market. Seeking relevant information, and critical analysis provides enough space to solve the problem or make an effective
situations, retell the experiences through a variety of literary features which all link back to
Analysis of data is important because it allows the researchers to derive meaning from the data collected. Numerous research studies are published online and while the internet is a great resource place to find an article, it is also contain innumerable information that are irrelevant to topic being searched. After scrutiny of the papers selected at the first part of this assignment, two published research studies were selected.
Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.
Data analysis: Data will be conducted to thematic analysis. Thematic analysis refer to ‘identifying, analyzing and reporting within data. It less likely organizes describes your data set in detail. However, frequently it depicts distinct aspects of the research topic (Braun and Clarke, p.79, 2006).
The data collected through the interviews shall be analyzed by applying grounded theory approach. The interview transcript shall be analyzed through open coding by following steps:
Primarily deductive process used to test pre-specified concepts, constructs, and hypotheses that make up a theory
Organizations collect data. This raw data must be analyzed to tease out useful information. The software used to analyze raw data is known as Business Intelligence (BI). BI is comprised of theories and processes such as data mining, online analytical processing, querying and reporting. BI improves decision making, cuts costs and identifies new business opportunities (Mulcahy, 2007). The web data extraction company, Connotate, uses BI systems, specifically dashboards, to focus on more profitable business, saving them time and money while also boosting customer satisfaction rates (6 Real Life., 2013).
Codes are generally affixed to ‘chunks’ of different categories; words, sentences, phrases, or whole paragraphs linked or unlinked to a specific setting for instance. These chunks are retrieved and organized through the use of codes. The organizing section will necessitate some system for categorizing numerous chunks, in the goal that the researcher can easily find, take out, and assemble the segments connecting to a specific theme, research question, hypothesis, or construct (Miles and Huberman, 1994, pp. 56-57). They highlighted that it is preferable to deal with creating codes by designing a temporary ‘start list’ of codes related to fieldwork. That
Yin, (2014) asserts that data analysis is through “examining, categorising, tabulating” and recombining of data from various sources of evidence