
The For The Short Term

Good Essays

For the Short term (now): I think first what is need to be done is to provide easy information about all the features of the sites. Because there are still many users who don’t know fully about this site and its features. They should avoid doing too much changes in the site because if the university will do too many changes in their sites then it will be rally hard for the client to do work on it. I can recommend that they should also ask the client that what kind of changes they want in the sites because it the client who is going to use it. If clients are facing problem in the site like to find some option which is hard for them to search then the university should work on it and make changes according to users. For the Mid term (next 12 month) • CSU can show everyone that they are the most green and carbon free university of the world by reducing more and more paper and putting everything online. • CSU can make changes according to the demand of the user and make it a simple and more useful website. • CSU can search for more online courses which it can provide to grow more. • It is still hard to use interact website CSU can make a guide that how more efficiently this site can be used. And for the long term (next 3 to 5 years) • CSU can make an online interact application for more efficient use of this portal. Currently the application this university have is not capable to deliver all the information. • CSU can make a different marketing strategy to utilize the

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