
Xacc/280 Week 3 Case Study Answers

Decent Essays

A. Provide a reason for why companies should invest in ergonomically correct furniture and computer hardware. Companies should invest in ergonomically correct furniture because it will earn them money in the long run. Workers will be sick less often, be more productive, be absent less and quit their job less often. Workers will be sick less because of less dust in the air around them and will be injured less because ergonomically correct furniture drastically lowers one’s risk of musculoskeletal and other injuries. They will be more productive because they are happier, healthier and not be fatigued or sore from incorrect posture or equipment. This will also lead to them calling in absent less as they enjoy work and are not injured or sick from the workspace. Finally, there will be less employ turnover because the employs will be happier and will love coming to work. B. …show more content…

Describe the computer hardware and furniture in the computer lab provide your rating and be specific when you describe the computer hardware and furniture. C. Make recommendations that would improve the computer hardware and furniture. Be specific when you describing the recommendations. Keyboard-6 I believe the schools keyboards are a 6 …show more content…

For example, children could submit papers and other typed assignments online. Teachers could also promote smaller fonts and larger margins for projects they want us to print. The school could also charge less money for printing double sided (15 cents per double sided page vs. 20 cents per 2 pages). This would halve the paper we use in printing. Moreover, the school could also make the attendance online. As every week every teacher wastes a sheet of paper this could drastically reduce the schools paper usage. Finally, we could promote GOOS paper and writing on both sides of every sheet as well as always recycling. If we follow all this, our school could become extremely environmentally

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