
The Ford Motor Company : A Long Term Rating

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The Ford Motor Company was founded in 1903 by Henry Ford and it is currently located in Dearborn, Michigan. Ford is in the auto making industry producing affordable cars under the brand of Ford, and luxury cars under the brand of Lincoln. Ford has a long term rating of Baa3 by Moody’s, meaning that it barely met the standard of being an investment grade and is subject to moderate credit risk. Almost all the Ford Bonds in Pimco’s portfolio have the time to maturity and duration.
HBOS plc provides banking and financial services. HBOS plc operates under Lloyd’s Banking Group.HBOS plc credit rating in the long term ranged from A1 (Moody’s) to AA (low) at DBRS. In the short term HBOS plc credit rating was P-2 from Moody’s, F1 from Fitch, A-2 from Standard and Poor’s, and R-1 (middle) at DBRS. The time to maturity is slightly higher at 3.68 in comparison to the duration of 3.61 for this bond. This transaction would require no approval as it is relatively small.

The Industrial Bank of Korea is also operates under the name Kiup Bank. It is headquartered in Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea. The Industrial Bank of Korea was established in 1961. Standard and Poor’s has given The Industrial Bank of Korea a A+ rating as of 4/15/15 according to an article on Similar to HBOs plc, The Industrial Bank of Korea’s time to maturity is slightly higher at 1.76 in comparison to the duration of 1.74 for this bond. Prior to making this trade it will require my supervisors approval as seen

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