
The Forgetting Theme

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Silence - the natural sound of the Universe. If you were to board a rocket and travel to the unnerving and unforgiving black ink of space, you would hear one thing - Silence. But in the universe of “The Forgetting”, silence is not common. Young Nadia lives in a city that has a supposed “gift” that forces you to lose your memories every 12 years, but when she finds her long lost friend Gray after one of these “forgettings”, she starts to uncover secrets that turn her world upside down. But even with all these secrets and the constant problems that people face, this book has failed to make me hear anything but silence in my mind. But say you’re like me and want to read the book just because the cover is pleasing, let me at least try to convince you against that. In this essay, I’ll share with you three of the things in this book that made me want to slam a door on it and breathe in relief once I flipped over the last page. Trust me when …show more content…

Every good book usually sets forth a narrow path filled with obstacles, challenges, and problems that the character will have to slowly solve. But in The Forgetting, the characters seem to whirl and fly past these problems so quickly, it’s as if they weren’t even there. On page 228/229, Gray admits to the shocked Nadia that he only talked and walked with her because Janis blackmailed him to become a spy for her. Once the two drifted apart in what seemed a shameful and resigned breakup on Gray’s side, I read 2 pages to find them come together again in a kissing scene hence resulting in a problem solved too quickly. Two other examples are how the author killed off the antagonist and fixed The Forgetting just by giving one man his memories. By doing this, the whole purpose of understanding the characters and delving into the book’s plot has disappeared. A good book must implement the important aspects of reality and nowhere in real-life, do we solve big problems so

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