Defending Our Freedom Inside the USA
Our unalienable rights given to us by the founding fathers of America are being stripped away. Each and every day the senators and representatives of the United States of America meet and decide what laws to create or change. They make these decisions out of political and economic interest, not in the interest of what’s best for the people like they’re supposed to. Owning and using a firearm is a basic reserved right of the American people. When our nation was born, we were given certain unalienable rights such as the right to bear arms. Throughout the decades, the government has put a tighter and tighter grip around gun control until we get to present day where the over glorified, simple minded
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Owning and using a gun is entirely Constitutional and our Second Amendment right should never be taken away due to some criticism about “the minority” or “terror”.
Another argument against the owning and operating of handguns is that they are at fault for causing a mass majority of suicides committed in the United States. Firearms are the primary means of self termination in over half of suicides nationwide. “Suicide is the 10th-leading cause of death in the U.S.; in 2010, 38,364 people killed themselves. In more than half of these cases, they used firearms.”(3) This fact is used as an argument against guns because of the popular belief that if the person didn’t have access to a firearm then they would still be alive. Anyone who takes more than 5 minutes to dissect this statement would discover that the firearm was not at fault but the person. “According to the National Institute of Mental Health, complex and deep-rooted problems—such as depression and other mental disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, family violence, and a family history of suicide—often shadow victims.”(4) This statement shows that it’s not the gun that causes the problem, it’s the person’s environment and/or their past. If a man wants to commit suicide, he’s going to commit suicide. He doesn’t need a gun, there are hundreds of thousands of ways to end one’s own life other than pulling a trigger. A gun makes it no easier or more likely to commit a suicide, it is a tool
The argument that the second amendment protects private ownership of a gun is invalid, even according to the United States government. On the other hand, guns are not wholly to blame for all killings and suicides because education and treatment could decrease the likelihood.
Across the United States of America a debate rages on daily, that debate is whether or not to allow the public to obtain and operate firearms. The right to bear arms has been fused together with American culture for hundreds of years. Many advocates for gun control are against citizens of the United States being able to possess and operate firearms, even though it is a necessary evil and is a right of every man and woman across the country. Gun control in the United States is a dangerous topic but one that needs to be addressed. American citizens have the right to bear arms, and the evidence is there to prove that it can be done effectively and safely.
and should not be done regarding gun control laws in events that have occurred with police and campus shootings. These events have made national and even international headlines. What rights do Americans truly possess when it comes to gun laws? Does the second amendment need to be revised or even re-written? The right to possess a firearm is an American’s constitutional right to bear arms. The method in which the individual exercises their right is the difference. A person should have the option to own a firearm, be allowed to use it with strict guidelines and shutdown the unauthorized retailers in the United States.
Many individuals are under the impression that the number of student death rates at schools, due to guns, is out of control. The citizens of the United States tremble in fear from every single shooting that occurs at schools, and pretend that it is a common occurrence. However, the number of deaths at schools from weapons is at an all time low. The people are given the right to own a weapon because that is what the Framers of the constitution intended in the vision of we are all created equal. It is a constitutional right to carry a weapon. Many people use guns for self defense at home and even in public. These men and women may have their right stripped from them because the mass media portrays this as an increasingly growing issue, although these shootings are usually made by the mentally ill. Although weapons could easily be accessed by criminals, the second amendment should not be revoked because it is a legal right in the constitution and it is used for home defense.
Gun control and gun rights are crucial topics that have been debated for years. Some people believe that civilians should not have the right to own a gun while others believe it is our god given right to bear arms. The second amendment of the Bill of Rights states “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”(Shermer). This is a right that society has had for years and is one of the main reasons why no solution has been reached yet. There are two main sides to this debate, Gun control advocates focus on the serious negative effects of gun availability on health and safety, while gun-ownership advocates emphasize the lawful use of guns and
In the past our Second Amendment has protected our right to bear arms, to have a firearm, for over 100years. Now times have changed, and government officials are now trying to restrict or take away the entirety of the right to bear arms.
Everyone has a different opinion about the issue and what should be done to solve the problem, no matter what is done the main question is would restricting the ownership of firearms be a violation of our 2nd Amendment? Our rights are in place to protect our freedoms, but when is it permissible to infringe upon those rights for the protection of the common good? The standard which is in place simply states, that your rights are in place until exercising your rights violates other rights or places others in danger. Meaning that I have the freedom of speech but that does not allow me to yell fire in a movie theater because it would endanger the common good. So now that we understand that one person’s freedoms stop where another’s starts, the question is does owning a gun infringe upon other’s rights?
In a nation that prides itself on protecting the rights of all citizens, one right is under a blistering attack. According to the second amendment the “right to bear arms shall not be infringed” but in every corner of America that right is getting closer and closer to disappearing. In the news, Americans only hear of the guns that kill, they don’t hear of the guns that save. The fact of the matter is, the right to carry concealed weapons has saved lives.
Imagine waking up in the middle of the night to a complete stranger who is in your house, threatening to harm you, and your family, and you cannot do anything about it. Imagine, not being able to go target shooting or hunting, because there are laws passed to prevent you from owning a firearm. The truth is, more and more people in this country are trying to restrict law-abiding people from owning firearms due to the overwhelming rise in gun related crimes. As law abiding citizens, the constitution gives us the right to bear arms. Whether it is for recreation or protection,
Although, many Americans believe they have the right to bear arms and use guns for protection. According to the article, “American deaths in terrorism vs. gun violence in one graph” the author Julia Jones states “The prevalence of guns go a long way toward explaining America’s terrible record – they are used in two – thirds of all murders. This demonstrates, guns are the most common weapons that are used in most of all the murders that are occurring. Due to the fact that guns are the most common weapons, it makes the United States have a horrible record. According to the same article “American deaths in terrorism vs. gun violence in one graph” states guns play a large role in suicides too. The article, also states that in 2013; 21,175 Americans killed themselves with guns, while 11,208 were killed by others. This means, people buy guns to take their lives away without a hesitation. This also means, people die no matter with a gun, either they commit suicide or someone kills them. As shown above, there wouldn’t be so many gun attacks and suicides if stronger gun control laws should be
America has always prided itself on being the land of the free. Our national Constitution and Bill of Rights have ensured that the people of America maintain their basic rights. Nevertheless, many of the rights guaranteed in these historic documents are often the subject of heated debate. The right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures under the Fourth Amendment, the Fifth Amendment’s guarantee against self-incrimination, the First Amendment’s protection of speech and petitioning activity, all of these issues have been subject to contentious arguments in courts of law and the courts of public opinion. Of late, however, the most lengthy, argumentative and noisy debates have focused on gun control. Some people think that
America is the universal symbol of freedom. But is it really free? Does the history of the United States stay true to the ideas of our forefathers? Or has the definition been altered to fit American policies? Has freedom defined America? Or has America defined freedom? I believe America was at first defined by freedom, then after time, America defined freedom, altering the definition to fit the niche it fits in, but still keeping key components so it still seems to be staying true to the ideas of America’s founding fathers.
“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” The right of all Americans to bear arms is a right the Founding Fathers held to equal importance as the Constitution itself. Gun control laws directly violate this right and therefore should not even be under consideration. Even if that issue is overlooked, gun control advocates state that in order to reduce firearm related violence, gun control laws must be implemented to remove the violence caused by firearms. Although this may seem reasonable, the consequences of such laws are ironically counterproductive; they exacerbate the problem instead of fixing it. Besides the fact that the American
If you have ever been in a life threatening situation with no way to defend yourself, being denied access to a firearm makes the situation worse. Many law abiding citizens that feel threatened are not able to obtain a firearm for protection. Innocent people are dying while criminals are getting away with gun related crimes. There can be many regulations and laws against guns, but if a person wants a gun they will find a way to get one. The thought of criminals having guns in their possession is a scary thought, but would you want to be the one who is unarmed? Research shows there is no direct correlation between gun control and lower crime rates; therefore, denying law abiding citizens access to weapons for protection is unfair
Are you willing to sit back and become a victim of violent crime or allow the government to tamper with your civil liberties? In recent years, anti-gun politicians have attempted to control guns in the name of crime prevention this is an assault on the Second Amendment rights of US citizens . The Second Amendment states, “ A well regulated Militia being necessary to the Security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Not only did our Founding Fathers focus their debate on the right of people to keep and bear arms, they devoted energy to encouraging future generations to defend theses freedoms. In defense of gun ownership, Alexander Hamilton said, “If