Melanie Georgiades, more commonly referred to as Diam’s, played a major role in the French hip-hop history due to her highly controversial music and challenging feminism brought out in a world of machismo. Born in Cyprus in 1980, Diam’s was an only child raised by a single mother in France, in the suburbs of Orsay. Growing up Diam’s was heavily inspired by French mainstream music: specifically rap and pop. Most notably among the musicians that inspired Diam’s are Supreme NTM and Public Enemy; similarities between the musicians can be heard in their music. The importance behind Diam’s music extends far beyond the scope of female empowerment. While Diam’s did play a prominent role in advancing feminist ideas in what has always been a largely male dominated rap culture, she also challenged many societal norms, especially in the Francophone world. By combining new styles with controversial messages Diam’s established herself as a true hip-hop artist, and did so successfully. Diam’s created a plethora of well-liked and popular musical albums throughout her time as a successful artist from the mid-1990s to mid-2000s. These included SOS, Dans Ma Bulle, and Brut De Femme. The content within these albums were directly influenced by her outlook of the culture that she grew up in, and since her career was started at the mere age of fifteen, youthful ingenuity was added to her cause. This lyrical honesty boosted Diam’s into position of France’s most popular female rapper which gave
2. Rose argues that women “are not major players in the use of sampling technology nor have they made a significant impact in rap production.” List some reasons why Rose makes this claim. Does Rose provide evidence that counters or complicates her argument? In other words, how have women been, despite being clearly marginalized, essential to the development and production of hip-hop.
Throughout history power has been distributed among people in different forms. Three components contribute to this and are seen over and over again. Some ways people gain power is from their social class, their gender, and their race. In Harper Lee’s novel To Kill A Mockingbird these components are present relating to power. Mayella has power related to her race but however she does not have power with her class and gender.
In her article “The Venus Hip Hop and the Pink Ghetto: Negotiating Spaces for Women,” Imani Perry argues that the objectification of women in the music industry is normalized in our society. Her purpose is to persuade us that most feminists who fight against the objectification and exploitation of women are ultimately colonized by the sexual fantasies of men. As a law professor at Rutgers Law School, Perry structures her text in a very effective manner. Using a general-to-specific organization scheme, she begins by outlining the recurring image of sexualized women in music videos, then presenting various cases of prominent feminist figures in the music industry.
Joan Morgan, a self proclaimed feminist, loves the power that rap and hip hop offers. Joan, also a music writer, is exceptionally troubled by the disrespect of women in not only in the musical lyrics but also the music videos. In the June 1990 edition of Ebony Magazine, Charles Whitaker wrote an editorial addressing the problems American culture brought on by the hip hop industry. Even though, his editorial was published in the 1990’s, it is extremely clear Charles Whitaker saw the negativity brought along with “The Hip Hop and Rap Revolution.” Both authors loved the powerful energy the new hip hop movement brought along with its beginnings, dating back to the mid to late 1970’s. With that being said, the two authors, both had one recurring theme within their respective works, the evolution of hip hop and rap. In other words, both Joan Morgan and Charles Whitaker addressed the issues brought on by the change in the rap and hip hop industry over its short exists. Change is the absolute most constant thing in our world, whether it is positive or negative change that is uncertain, in both of the articles that change in hip hop and rap is demonstrated
When one hears the word “feminist”, many different things may come to mind. One may think of the “bra burning” feminists of the 1960s or the “riot grrrl” feminists of the 1990s. It can bring to mind issues such as abortion, birth control, and unfair wages. There are many different aspects of feminism, some of which are understood only by those involved in the movement. But like most things people are passionate about, feminism has held a strong place in music since its very beginning, and can be seen in its festivals, its politics, and in the average American’s everyday life.
The hip-hop musical Hamilton is a must see for those who want an interesting history lesson in a modern perspective. Hamilton teaches us about the American Revolution in the point of view of the colonists
In the essay, “Hip-Hop’s Betrayal Of Black Women”(221), by Jennifer McLune, she vents her feelings regarding hip-hop songs that are rhythmically diminishing the value of black women. She provides example on how the lyrics are being voiced and how hip-hop artists do not seem to care. Kevin Powell in “Notes of a Hip Hop Head” writes, “Indeed, like rock and roll, hip-hop sometimes makes you think we men don’t like women much at all, except to objectify them as trophy pieces or, as contemporary vernacular mandates, as baby mommas, chicken heads, or bitches” (221). There have been apologizes for what the rappers have said but nothing to resolve the dehumanization of black women. McLune informs the readers that hip-hop singers belittle black women and make them invisible. Jay-Z, a popular hip-hop artist is brought to center stage by McLune. The essay shows the example of a part of Jay-Z song that says, “I pimp hard on a trick, look Fuck if your leg broke bitch hop on your good foot” (222). This lyric is a perfect example of how hip-hop artist have no remorse in the words they sing. The hurt feelings and loss of self-esteem black women suffer, is of no concern to the rappers. McLune expresses that those who are underground hip-hop artist follow the footsteps on being sexist and using crude words in their lyrics just because they yearn and dream of being in the spotlight. Upcoming rappers want to be loved like Jay-Z and other famous notorious rappers.
The Hip Hop music industry is infamous for being controversial. In the article Hip Hop’s Betrayal of Black Women there’s a debate on whether the exploitation and constant verbal slander of women should be acceptable just because it sales records. It presents the question that why is it that male poverty breeds sexism? Even though women may have lived in the same environment males still see women as the enemy in their music in an effort to sell records.
Women’s music came from radical, grassroots origins in the 1970s thanks to contributions by brave women, mostly lesbians (Mosbacher, 2002). These women used non-violent, peaceful force to forge their own way into the music industry. It was a peaceful yet political revolution of togetherness and liberation. It brought together women of different backgrounds who produced easy-listening, mellow harmonies played with lyrics filled with tumultuous
1. My redefinition of Hip hop feminism differs from the “normal” definition of feminism, to me hip hop feminism is a way of living and thinking. Hip hop feminism is connected to the Liberation Movement although this movement focused on advancing women rights than civil rights I still believe it played a part with the Hip Hop feminism movement which focused on the rights for young black women in the hip hop industry. I believe this because both movements give women a new definition of what it is like to be a women and both fight for the women cause although they may not hit the exact issues they promote change. Hip hop feminism should fight for the rights of women in hip hop who don’t receive respect due to their sexuality and gender. Women’s perspective in hip hop should be changed and embraced as a powerful persona rather than sexual perspectives. In order to make my definition of hip hop feminism happen in the industry major change must be presented. First, we must create respect towards hip hop women and shut down the suppression of female power. The way in which this would happen is to stop the secularization of women in this industry and not support the hypermasculan culture hip hop is. Although I understand that not all sexualization will be abolished completely from hip hop due to it being part of the culture . However I feel if women were to maybe not givein to the
With 1983’s Wildstyle on the TV screen and legendary hip hop and soul vinyls on the walls, Magna Media Group’s downtown Columbus studio embodies hip hop. As SupaNatra lets us in, Trek Manifest, Tha Audio Unit, Darrio Lamont, Dominique Larue, and Nes Wordz fall in one by one. As everyone gets settled into interview mode, the group gets into a discussion about the questions they hate to answer; Nes says he hates being asked when he started rapping, and Dominique talks about a recent interview that repeatedly referenced the fact that she was the only woman a part of the group, as if she hasn’t been asked the question many times before. Knowing that there was no question to whether she could hold her own against the men of Magna Media, the guys weren’t having it.
While attending she attended Ohio State she became acquainted with the “Hip-Hop: Behind the Music Conference”, Coordinator of ‘Sisters for Success’, where she served as a President for the black graduate and professionals of the student caucus (Georgia State University). Publications Dr. Bonnette has published are: Pulse of the People: Political Rap and Black Politics. University of Pennsylvania Press.“Behind the Music: Black Political Attitudes and Political Rap Music.” Journal of Racial and Ethnic Studies Review “From
In Joan Morgan’s article “Fly-Girls, Bitches and Hoes: Notes of a Hip Hop Feminist”, she shows the way rap music has changed through it popularity. The widespread appreciation of rap had negative impacts upon the black community. Morgan talks about this through her Feminist point of view. She focuses the topic on what rap music says about the African American culture in Hip Hop. Rap music and Hip Hop were invented through the pain of African Americans. Hip Hop and the Rap industry use sexism and machoism to express the long years of oppressive pain they went through by the hands of the white people. Especially for the black brothers who continue that oppression by using provocative words that degrade the black sisters. Morgan states that blame isn’t only on the brothers
The term ‘hip-hop’ refers to a complex culture compromising of four elements: deejaying, rapping, rhyming, graffiti painting, and b-boying. These elements incorporate hip-hop dance, style, and attitude. “Hip-hop originated in the primarily African American economically depressed South Bronx section of New York City in the late 1970s” (Tate, pg.1). Hip-hop is a culture of fashion, language, music, movement, visual art and expression. The genre of hip-hop comes with a very significant history and evolution with its own heroes, legends, triumphs and downfalls. “Real” hip-hop is often stressed in the 21st century due to what is being passed off as hip hop, and it is often made clear that just because one takes a hip hop class, or listens to hip-hop music, does not mean they conform to the true immersion of hip-hop culture. Therefore, “real” hip-hop encapsulates the true essence of hip-hop culture, untarnished by impurities such as rapacious record labels, and vapid, materialistic subject matter. Due to the background of how and where hip-hop first emerged, the African American culture often feel responsible to protect what is for them, and to protect the culture of hip-hop entirely. Boyd states that even though hip-hop as a culture was created as a social movement, the “commercializaiton” of hip-hop demonstrated in film and media construes it to another form of urbanization and popularity”(Boyd, 79). However, in the two movies being examined in this essay (Save the Last Dance
Hip-hop appeals to an entire generation making it an important form of communication. In addition, Hip-hop can promote cultural awareness and the values of different people including genders. Many hip-hop artists promote their message through angry sounding music and lyrics. Latifah sends a unique message in hip-hop by promoting self-respect and dignity to women. Furthermore, Latifah’s song “U.N.I.T.Y” is free verse poetry that speaks out against the social injustice of violence towards women making it an important message in a time when violence and hatred seem acceptable.