
The French Revolutionist, Jean Paul Marat

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In 2013, Ide states:
Five or six hundred heads looped off would have assured your repose, freedom, and happiness. A false humanity has restrained your arm and suspended your blows; it will cost the lives of millions of your brothers. (p.1)
Marat is a man for the common people, and he lived to enforce justice and equality. French revolutionist, Jean Paul Marat led a life of voicing his opinion despite the consequences. He fought for the equality of people from his younger years all the way to death.
Marat’s early life sprouted a rare personality during the French Revolution, and his rare personality is the reason for his popularity. Marat was born to middle-class parents in Switzerland on May 24, 1743. Marat’s mother suffered several terrible attacks. These attacks made Marat question the world’s acts, and formed his moral sense of justice and equality at a young age (Ide, 2013). He became a physician and treated patients in both England and France. This career sparked his interest to experiment in the field of optics and electricity. (Jean Paul Marat, …show more content…

Marat lived in constant hiding in sewers and cellars because of his fear of persecution and his desire to voice his opinion. During Marat’s time, his skin disease was incurable. This skin disease was challenging for Marat, but his newly-wed wife, Simmone Evrad played a vital role in maintaining his health and helping him to continue publishing his opinion (Ide, 2013). To relieve Marat’s suffering from his skin disease, he needed to immerse himself in sulfur baths (Zaoui, 2012). On July 13,1973 a young Royalist from Caen, Charlotte Corday, managed to sneak into Marat’s apartment. Marat was in his bathtub treating his incurable skin disease when Corday stabbed him with a kitchen knife. Corday assassinated Marat because she believed he was the reason for the bloody revolution (Jaques-Louis David: The Death of Marat, 2015). In 2103, Ide

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