
The Future Of Nursing Campaign For Action

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The Future of Nursing & The Campaign for Action The Future of Nursing & The Campaign for Action The health care industry is ever changing, requiring the practice of nursing to be continually transformed. Since nurses are in direct, constant contact with patients, we are in a position to facilitate change and it is our duty to be proactive in the processes that have a positive effect in our field. Likewise, it is imperative that nurses be actively involved in education in order to stay abreast of new evidenced based processes that will result in increased positive outcomes while elevating patient care. This paper will discuss initiatives set for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee (RWJF) on the Future of Nursing and the …show more content…

This nationwide initiative was intended to guide recommendations and implementation of the IOM report. The visualization of The Campaign is a health care system that promotes high-quality care, in which nurses contribute to their practice to their maximum potential. These efforts are harmonized through an initiative of AARP, the Center to Champion Nursing in America (CCNA), the AARP Foundation, along with the RWJF (Center to Champion, n.d.). The powerful forces behind The Campaign are Action Coalitions that function at the local levels as well as at the state levels. In this capacity, The Campaign can form strong, grassroots networks full of diverse stakeholders that work diligently in order to transform health care through nursing (Center to Champion, n.d.). The Florida Action Coalition has a focused objective to promote the goals of the IOM report recommendations and transform health care at the state level through nurse led innovative solutions. Each state identifies and develops initiatives to promote and further support the IOM goals. Florida has developed the “Florida AC Toolkit to Address Leadership Barriers”. This toolkit identifies and addresses barriers in leadership for nurses and provides resources and guidance for Florida’s aspiring nurse leaders so they may improve their leadership roles within the nursing profession (Center to Champion, n.d.). Another accomplishment by the Florida

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