
The Future of Liquefied Natural Gas

Decent Essays

The production of natural gas has increased over the past decade along with its consumption. However, some of the top consumers consist of countries such as Japan and South Korea, where natural gas is not produced at a sufficient amount domestically. As a result, the need for liquefied natural gas, also known as LNG, has increased. This need for LNG comes from the concept of condensing natural gas to its liquid state so that its volume is reduced to 1/600th of its original volume, making it easier to transport (Source, 2---). Plus, the demand for natural gas in countries such as Japan and South Korea is starting to increase the need for LNG since most natural gas producing nations are too far for pipelines. Therefore, LNG is becoming a viable option for the transportation of natural gas. In this paper, the creation of LNG will be discussed to show how LNG is becoming a major factor in the energy industry and the global economy.
In the creation of LNG, many technological advances to the conversion process from gas to liquid have been essential to its increasing popularity in natural gas exchanging nations. The primary idea behind the creation of LNG is condensing natural gas after it has been removed from a deep subsurface reservoir. This condensing process requires an LNG plant. While there is not a standard for the components of LNG plants, there are some major elements that most of the plants contain. These elements consist of 5 different sections as shown below.
• Gas

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