
Essay about The Geography Of New Zealand

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The Geography of New Zealand

The well-known country of New Zealand is a small, resourceful nation located 1,000 miles off Australia's south east coast. New Zealand has an impressive economy that continues to grow, a physical landscape that attracts people from around the globe, and although small, New Zealand is a respected nation for its advanced civilization and stable government. The geography of this prestigious nation can be described through five principal categories, the physical geography, the cultural geography, the citizens' standard of living, the government, and the nation's economy.
New Zealand is located in the southern hemisphere, with an absolute …show more content…

Currently 3,547,983 people live in New Zealand, but 83.7 percent of the population live in urbanized areas. The chief cities, each containing more than one hundred thousand people, are Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Manukau, and Wellington. The average population per square mile is only 34, but it is growing due to a 0.8 percent natural growth rate. Keeping in mind that only 2 percent of the land is arable, the crop land per capita is a meager 0.125 acres per person. Large portions of New Zealand are devoted to sheep stations, for there are more sheep in New Zealand than people.
The official language of New Zealand is English, although a small percentage of the people speak Maori, the native language. Somewhat corresponding to the language groups, the religious make up is 52 percent
Christian, 15 percent Roman Catholic, and 33 percent unspecified or none. The country takes pride in a 99.9 percent literacy rate by having an excellent education system. The entire nation resides in a single time zone that would report 6:00 A.M. if the time in Amarillo, Texas was noon. From the country's cultural geography, it could be predicted that the nation would enjoy a good standard of living. In 1994 the gross national product of New Zealand was a colossal 56.4 billion United State's dollars, generating a per capita income of
$16,640. For every 3.2 people there is

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