Abraham Lincoln was born in Hodgenville Kentucky, 1809. He died in the year of 1865 while watching a play at Ford’s Theater. A man named John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln in the back of the head. John Wilkes Booth died nine hours later when the police tried to apprehend him.
Abraham Lincoln was most famous for freeing the slaves around the nation and that was one of the factors that led to his death. Abraham Lincoln also wrote the Gettysburg Address which was one of the most famous speeches in US history. Abraham Lincoln became the sixteenth president even though he had less than one year of schooling. Abraham lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation to hurt and stop the confederacy and if he freed the slaves than they would stop supporting
In this biographical essay, one of the most famous presidents of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln, will be explored. Abraham Lincoln was significant because he was the 16th president of the United States. During that period of time, “he preserved the Union during the U.S. Civil War and brought about the emancipation of slaves.” (Biography.com). Abraham Lincoln was not only the president of the United States of America, but he changed the history of America by creating an amendment to release the slaves.
Abraham Lincoln, guided his country through the most devastating experience during his time—the Civil War. He is considered by many historians and people to have been the greatest American president. Abraham Lincoln, was a self-taught Illinois lawyer and a legislator with a belief that every man should be free in America. Many were shock that he had overcome several prominent continents in the Republicans Party’s nomination for president in 1860. In the North many people agreed that is was fair to let the slaves be free, but for the south who need slaves for picking cotton were not so happy. People in the South, called the confederates hated the idea of freeing the slaves, and this is how the Civil War started.
The 1860’s was a difficult time for the United States of America as it was the time period where they went into the American Civil War. At a time of slavery and many conflicting ideas, the United States was falling apart and at its most divided time ever. As the elected president in 1861, Abraham Lincoln had to fix the issues that the country was facing. Some of those issues included slavery, the separation of the north and south, and the Civil War itself. Today, Abraham Lincoln is generally known as a great president who took charge of a country in need and did many things that had a positive influence over the United States. One of Lincoln’s biggest achievements as president of the United States was the Emancipation Proclamation
Besides Lincoln's revered speeches, there are other things he is remembered for during his two terms as president. He is best remembered for his very important role as the leader in preserving the Union during the Civil War and beginning the process that led to the end of slavery in the United States. He is also remembered for his Godly character, his many speeches and letters, and as a man of humble beginnings whose determination and perseverance led him to become the nation's 16th president.
President Abraham Lincoln is famous for his involvement during the Civil War. Standing against slavery, he worked diligently towards the unity of all men. Lincoln involvement started as a lawyer, he provided legal services for those who could not be being able to pay for a lawyer. He also worked as a state legislator for the state of Illinois and served for a term at the House of Representatives. The most memorable speech during his time, the Gettysburg Address. This 270 words, two-minute speech that will go in history as one of the greatest speeches of all time.
The Gettysburg Address was a speech composed and addressed by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863, at the time of the political fight in Gettysburg Pennsylvania. At that time, Abraham Lincoln was the President of the United States. He was also the President who led America through the Civil War. During the Civil War, at Gettysburg, some soldiers died protecting the nation. This was mentioned in Lincoln’s speech, which was meant to be dedicated to the soldiers who died defending their people. He spoke of how a piece of land on Earth should be dedicated in their memory in order to show respect for dead soldiers. The Gettysburg Address was an effective way of President Abraham Lincoln communicating with the people of the United States at a time
Shortly after the war was won and the Declaration of Independence was passed Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. His assassination was on April 14 1865. he was shot in the head by a famous actor and Confederate sympathizer, John Wilkes Booth. Booth shoot Lincoln at a play at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C. he died five days after the effectively ending the American Civil War. Booth was a native from Maryland. He was born in 1838. He remained in the North during the Civil War despite his Confederate sympathies.
Abraham Lincoln influenced america and other historical figures. Martin Luther King Jr. and Lincoln were one of the most prominent leaders when it came to slavery. He showed courage to stand up for what’s right and fight against for what’s wrong. Without Abe Lincoln we would not be in the position and success we have in the modern world (smithsonian). Abe Lincoln was a “Progressive man”, he made strides to free the slaves and to abolish slavery(smithsonian1). He was one of the most known and recognized leaders in american history.
To conclude Abraham Lincoln was an important figure in American history and he did everything he could to abolish slavery and create peace in the country. He was known as the father and strong military leader and he was determined to succeed in making America a place of freedom. He stood up with the abolitionist to make the USA a slavery free country. And finally he saved the country from the Civil War and other wars. As leader, father, and president he made the country free from the crime of
While the Gettysburg Address is fairly short in length at around 300 words, this famous speech delivered by President Abraham Lincoln on November 19, 1963 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania is both enduring and meaningful for all Americans today, almost exactly 146 years later. The first paragraph of his speech sets the tone, in which Lincoln does not directly mention the bloody Battle of Gettysburg, in which 50,000 soldiers lost their lives. Instead, he refers in the opening phrase, “Four score and seven years ago,” to the founding of America through another important written document, the Declaration of Independence in 1776. I believe Lincoln wanted the country to focus on preserving this
Abraham Lincoln is known as the sixteenth president of the United States. A self-taught lawyer by trade who was born in a one room cabin in Kentucky, he came from meek beginnings. Mr. Lincoln was only known to have a few years of formal schooling he had to work to help support his family. He moved to the capital of Illinois and practiced as a lawyer. This is where he earned his nick name of Honest Abe. He was known to help the common man. He met and married a woman named Mary Todd. They had four sons. One of which passed away with Typhoid fever. He was shot by John Wilkes Booth in Ford’s theater on April 14, 1865 and died the very from a gunshot to the head. He never lived to see the Union win the war with the plans he helped devise. He next day is known in history for his moving speeches. Two of the main speeches are the Gettysburg Address and the Emancipation Proclamation. Both of these are remembered today as turning points in history. Honest Abe was not only our president but a leader in that he felt like he needed to protect our constitution and the rights it afforded us but also protect the Union. He was a level headed man in a time of war and conflict. He was elected to office when the Union was in a state of unrest due to the issue of slavery. Several states succeeded when he was elected to office. This set up a series of events that lead to the beginning of the civil war. The steps that he took forever changed the history of the United States.
The Gettysburg Address is one of the most famous speeches known by America. Jackie Fredericks states, “November 19, 1863--On this day, President Abraham Lincoln gave a very short speech that is now one of the most famous in the English language.” (Fredericks). This speech has many messages throughout it. The message of unity and that we all need to be united as one. Acceptance, knowing that you who you are and others need to accept you and you need to accept others. And death, realizing that it will happen and you cannot get away from it, be prepared, but live your life to the fullest. There are three important messages from The Gettysburg Address, by Abraham Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln was born February 12 1809 in Hardin County Kentucky to Thomas and Nancy Lincoln. In 1816 his family moved to southern Indiana. Lincoln had little formal education due to the fact that he ahd to work to help support his family. Lincolns’ mother died when he was only nine, and as a young boy he took that pretty rough. Abraham quickly began to resent his father for all the work that was placed on him at a young age.
When people think about President Lincoln, what comes to mind? Probably the Civil War, slavery, his assassination, and the Gettysburg Address, right? Well the Gettysburg Address is a historical artifact that has a huge impact on how American culture and society are today. The Gettysburg Address contributed to the Civil Rights Movement and helped Lincoln put new amendments in effect. Over the years since the speech was given, The United States has changed dramatically.
Abraham Lincoln sadly died at the age of 56 in April 14, 1865. He was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's theater while watching the play “Our American Cousin” The assassination was made for hope of the south winning the war, but it ended 5 days before when the south