
The Glass Ceiling and the Wage Gap Essay

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Women face many obstacles as they climb their career’s hierarchy and for many different reasons their wage is comparably less than that of males. After the movements toward equality in the workplace, many think that sex discrimination isn’t present anymore. However, many still believe that the glass ceiling hasn’t shattered and still possesses a barrier for many women in the labor force. The glass ceiling and the wage gap exist for various reasons but, like many other women leaders, women can break the glass and abolish the gap.
The glass ceiling is defined as the “unseen, yet unbreachable barrier that keeps… women from rising to the upper rungs of the corporate ladder, regardless of their qualifications or achievements.” …show more content…

In the law field, women “attorneys earn 80.5 cents for every dollar earned by their male counterparts.” In the medical field, “female physicians and surgeons earn 64.4 cents on the dollar.” In retail, females earn “70.6 cents for every dollar earned by” male counterparts. Females in full-time managerial positions “earn 81 cents for every dollar earned by their male manager peers” and “female truck drivers earn… 76.4 cents on the dollar.” The remaining money from the female-male wage gap “may attribute to discriminatory practices.” The differences in income exist but “women work close to two-thirds of the world’s work hours [and] earn only one-tenth of the world’s income” (Graham 148).
Equality “for both sexes is still somewhat elusive at home” (146). In the United States, “women make up more than 50 percent of the population” but there are only “20 women in the Senate [out of 100 Senators] and 79 women in the House of Representatives [out of 435 Representatives]” with no female President and only one “vice presidential candidate, Geraldine Ferraro, in 1984” (146-147). Though

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