Goal: Decrease Depression
Description: “I need to stop the depression and learn how to be happy.” Within the next 3 months, Ashley will experience a reduction in depressive symptoms (i.e., sadness, isolation, agitation, hopelessness) from 5 days per week to 1-2 days per week aeb self-repo
Obj: Over the next 3 months, Ashley will verbalize incidents that make her feel depressed (being adopted, being in foster care) and use at least 2 coping skills to help with reducing depression (thought stopping techniques, challenge depressive thinking) weekly.
Int: PP will teach Ashley how to have positive interactions, create and implement positive activities with her children through talking and spending quality time (dollar movie, exercise, talking about school, etc.,)
Consmer Met his/her goal this session: partially Behavior:
Hilton L. Fordham, Jr., PP met with Ashley in the home to family skill building activities. Ashley is receiving services because of her inability to control her anger, aggressive behaviors, explosive mood swings, and poor communication with others. Ashley current behavior include being argumentative, oppositional with others, cursing, and increased irritability. During session Ashley presented alert and calm as evident by her willingness to engage with paraprofessional in activity and discussions. Ashley was well groomed and wore a white shirt with blue pants.
Paraprofessional met with Ashley, her sister, and her daughter to provide family
high number of aggressive behaviors and may be reported as being argumentative, defiant, and/or threatening to others. Brittany 's T score on Depression is 79. Brittany 's teacher reports that Brittany is withdrawn, pessimistic, and/or sad.
2- She is diagnosed with the season affective disorder (SAD), she feels, lonely, isolated, and depression.
He showed an adequate effort to participate in the session. Rapport was established and adequately maintained throughout the duration of the session. He was attentive during the session. Ty’Kevinyon made good eye contact and his affect was normal. He stated that his behavior has remained good. He mentioned that he has been utilizing the anger strategies. His mother reported that his behavior has been good. She stated that he has mainly followed her rules at home. Ty’Kevinyon agreed to continue using the strategies for anger management. The strategies are designed to assist in providing alternative ways to address anger. He agreed to behavior in a manner that is acceptable and appropriate. MHP advised that he uses the self-control strategies. Ty’Kevinyon stated that he will try to convey his anger suitable statements and healthy physical outlets. He stated that his mother has been supportive. Ty’Kevinyon mentioned that he will continue to obey the rules at home. He stated that he will continue to work on his
Focus: Destiny and her family will be able to utilize coping skills to manage Destiny’s inappropriate behaviors in diverse setting. MS. Smalls (MHP), Destiny and Ms. Beaton (MHS) review Destiny’s Individual Plan of Care (IPOC) and discuss Destiny’s behaviors.
She’s shown little interest in daily activities, which she used to engage in, and has had difficulties falling asleep at night. Her mother has overheard her having frequent phone conversations with her a friend, which consist of her negative outlook on life. When her mother tries to get her to open up about what’s bothering her, she pushes her away with an abrupt “everything’s fine”.
Focus: Taliana and her family will be able to utilize coping skills to manage Taliana’s inappropriate and depressive behaviors in diverse setting. Ms. Smalls (MHS), Taliana and Mrs. Clark (MHS) debrief incidents of Taliana inappropriate behaviors and refusal to process behaviors.
Posters are splashy, large-format images, which are accompanied by a short text. Usually, the purposes of the posters are to agitate, advertise, inform, or teach people. Posters from World War I and World War II often used metaphors, different figures, events, and places. During the First World War propaganda posters were enormously widespread. Artists used them to agitate people to conscription, subscriptions to war loans, and aid to the wounded soldiers. One of the most important posters from World War I and World War II is “I Want You for U.S. Army” by James Mantgomery Flagg. This poster is very influential because of its figure, the message, and the effect on the people.
Furthermore, Monica is also diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (DSM), Bipolar Disorder is characterized as a mood disorder consisting of major depressive and manic episodes (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). One must display at least 5 of the following symptoms of a major depressive episode within a 2-week period which must include a depressed mood most of the day or a diminished interest or pleasure in daily activities (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The manic episode must persist for one week in which the individual displays an irritable or euphoric mood (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Based
“ committing to a healthy lifestyle was key to her recovery”. She has also been on a diet for a while and it really helped her. And she also liked talking about her problems to people. Effects on family: They did everything to help her and they were there every step of the way and that’s why she had to go to a rehab
Another disorder of Emily is major/clinical depression. Major/clinical depression is when a person is depressed throughout the whole entire day and have no interest in doing any activities or having relationships. The symptoms for this depression happen every day for about two weeks straight. A few other symptoms that occur with major/clinical depression is when the person thinks about suicide, having a loss of energy every day,
Every country has their own culture and it is expressed through their own traditional factors such as language and education. When a culture attempts to dominate a different culture, individuals of minor culture could easily be isolated. In Brian Friel’s Translation, he shows a several issues that could be simultaneously occurred by colonialism.
It is important to know about Emily’s variations in mood, due to the diagnostic features of Bipolar. Individuals with bipolar II disorder typically present to a clinician during a major
Amy is having difficulty with depression as well. She is unable to move to the last stage of grief, acceptance, until then she will be stuck in the same stage, reliving the same emotions over and over until she is able to cope with the feelings that were aroused
Ashley is 60 years old. She is the middle child of three sisters. Ashley reported that when she was growing up, her father abused her. She was also abused by her sister in the way she was setting up situations for Ashley to be raped or beaten. Ashley has great feelings of betrayal toward her father, mother, and sister. Her mother confessed to Ashely that she caught her husband when he was sexually molesting her oldest daughter. Ashley is angry that her mother did not stop the abuse, and she did not protect her and her sister. Ultimately, Ashley is angry that her mother was dependent on her father, and she did not even consider separating from him.
Ashley took a long time to open up to people. Some people may think, why is it so hard for her to open up to others? All you had to do is start up a conversation. Why does she shut herself out of the real world? The reason why Ashley had such a hard time opening up to others was because she was abused. Her foster parents put it into her mind that she shouldn’t speak about what she was going through or else she would be punished. One time the Moss’s had some inspectors come by the house. She told the kids to put on a show to make it look like a great foster home, “ Surely Mrs. Moss would punish me if she thought I was ruining her little show” (Rhodes-Courter 92). Mrs. Moss chose to have the children sing, You are my Sunshine after she heard Ashley sing it to one of the younger kids to cheer her up. By doing so, she struck a chord in Ashley because that song was Ashley’s mother and her song. That song was the song that tied happiness to her relationship with her mother. That moment symbolized the loss of hope Ashley had to be taken out of the foster home. Another reason some people may not agree that Ashley Rhodes-Courter is successful is because, after living with her adoptive family for a few months, Ashley drugged her parents. No kid should drug their parents, it’s wrong. Even if the child is mad or finds it amusing they shouldn’t do it, because it’s not ethical. The reason why Ashley had the audacity to drug her parents was because she was peer pressured into doing so. She was friends with a girl named, Brooke. Brooke wasn’t a great influence on Ashley, Brooke was that child that liked to do the wrong things. She once had Ashley wait 30 minutes after a movie was finished so she could make out with her boyfriend, “When I dragged Brooke outside, Gay- who had been waiting for more than a half hour- was seething” (Rhodes-Courter 242). Brooke wanted to hang out with her boyfriend, but her