
The Good, The Bad, And Your Business

Satisfactory Essays

Jeffery L. Seglin’s book titled “The Good, the Bad, and Your Business: Choosing Right When Ethical Dilemmas Pull You Apart” and in particular chapter five titled “It’s Enough to Drive You to Drink” speaks about the challenges top levels of management must face when making decisions about employees in regards to an employees work and personal life. In particular Seglin speaks on to what extent should top levels of management help struggling employees with their personal issues and to what extent it is no longer beneficial to both the employee and the company. The chapter starts off by explaining how workers in a workplace are not simply tools for the company but are also humans who deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. A study in 1996 on Americans showed that the most critical factors in relation to employee satisfaction and job performance included environments where employees felt cared about and where the companies are “family friendly” along with a sense of importance of their jobs, solidifying that the more human workers are treated the better they will perform. With this understanding in mind the next step for companies is to realize the moral obligations they have to their employees which include, respecting employee rights, helping employees in need, and treating employees fairly. Seglin will also add that these behaviours are quite instinctive of humans, deriving from a natural inner need to help others.

While a need to do something to help a

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