
The Great Gatsby Chapter 1 Summary

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Gatsby invites daisy to his mansion, but when Daisy comes she brought Daisy, Gatsby, Nick, Jordan, and Tom (which was a very umcomfortable dinner) Then tom leaves the dinner to speak with Myrtle and this made Daisy very jelous, filled with jelousy and range she bodly kisses Gatspy before tom arrive to the room. When tom arrived he could feel the tension between gatsby and Daisy when she suggested they go to town, tom she was cheating on him Tom confronts Gatsby about loving Daisy, and Gatsby stated that daisy never loved tom and is leaving him, tom angry and in disbelive sent Daisy and Gatsby to head home (in gatsby car), and he would leave with nick and jordan. Tom driving sees that is something is happening by the highway, excited to see

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