Gatsby invites daisy to his mansion, but when Daisy comes she brought Daisy, Gatsby, Nick, Jordan, and Tom (which was a very umcomfortable dinner) Then tom leaves the dinner to speak with Myrtle and this made Daisy very jelous, filled with jelousy and range she bodly kisses Gatspy before tom arrive to the room. When tom arrived he could feel the tension between gatsby and Daisy when she suggested they go to town, tom she was cheating on him Tom confronts Gatsby about loving Daisy, and Gatsby stated that daisy never loved tom and is leaving him, tom angry and in disbelive sent Daisy and Gatsby to head home (in gatsby car), and he would leave with nick and jordan. Tom driving sees that is something is happening by the highway, excited to see
There was a recollection of the moments that Gatsby and Daisy had together and Daisy was the first “nice” girl that Gatsby had ever known. Gatsby cuddled with Daisy before he left for the Armistice, but after it instead of getting sent home he was sent to Oxford instead. Daisy wanted to shape her life and that decision had to be made by a force of love or money. The force that she was looking for was fulfilled in Tom. Gatsby had told Nick that he thought that Daisy had never loved Tom. Nick made it clear that he was no longer talking to Jordan after an abrupt conversation that they had on the phone with each
Gatsby’s dream of being with Daisy is completely shattered by Tom’s words and Daisy’s demeanor and actions. Tom reveals the truth about the persona that Gatsby had created, known as “Jay Gatsby.” Tom tells them all that Gatsby is a “common swindler” and a “bootlegger…and [he] wasn’t far from wrong” to assume; consequently, Daisy was “drawing further into herself,” for learning how Gatsby obtained his affluence changed her mind about wanting to be with him. Her intentions of leaving Tom vanished within her, as she told Gatsby that he demanded too much of her. When it all becomes too much to bear, Daisy resorts to calling to Tom to take her away demonstrating to Gatsby that she picks Tom over him. This was Gatsby worst nightmare: to have Daisy
Daisy finds out that Gatsby achieves his wealth by bootlegging and questionable activities which scares her. Daisy chooses Tom to have a normal, pampered life, she is afraid that she could get hurt if she got intertwined in Gatsby’s business. In this passage: “Daisy and Tom were sitting opposite each other at the kitchen table...He was talking intently across the table at her, and in his earnestness his hand had fallen upon and covered her own. Once in a while she looked up at him and nodded in agreement. They weren't happy...and yet they weren't unhappy either. There was an unmistakable air of natural intimacy about the picture, and anybody would have said they were conspiring together.” it is believe that Tom and Daisy are talking about their plans for what comes next and moving out west, as they then leave shortly after. This shows that Daisy would rather have a comfortable, safe marriage, rather than be with someone she loved and constantly have the fear of being at
Tom feels much resentment for Gatsby. Jay felt threatened that Daisy would love another man, especially one like Gatsby. Gatsby had money, and looks, and was Daisy’s real love before their marriage. During this argument, Daisy does not say much but eventually reveals she also loves Tom which crushes Gatsby. The idea of competition still creates a deep anger and jealousy for Tom that provokes him to tell George it was Gatsby who was driving the car.
Even though Daisy is cheating on Tom for Gatsby, she still has feelings of love with Tom. Daisy
While everyone is together in New York, Daisy decides that it is the best time to confront Tom about her relationship with Gatsby. Before Daisy is able to tell Tom about Gatsby and herself, Tom and Gatsby get into a heated argument about Daisy and it is Gatsby and not Daisy tells Tom that Daisy never loved him. Tom is shocked. Tom turns to Daisy and says, “What’s been going on? I want to hear all about it” (Fitzgerald 138).
Following the war, Gatsby attempted to receive an education by studying at Oxford. From this point on, Gatsby dedicates him self to gain the love of Daisy back. He did this by acquiring millions of dollars, a gaudy mansion in West Egg, and his extravagant parties. As the group of friends, Nick Caraway, Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan, and Jordan Baker, travel into the city, Gatsby and Daisy make their love for each other obvious. Daisy and Gatsby ride in a car, separate from the group, to the city. Gatsby has the belief that Daisy is truly in love with him, and not with her husband. Upon arrival to the hotel, the group began sitting and conversing, when Gatsby tells Tom, “She never loved you.” This is referring to Daisy and Tom’s marriage. This is where a heated dispute begins and Daisy finally explains to Gatsby that, “Rich girls don’t marry poor boys.”
Gatsby, Daisy, Tom, Nick and Jordan have gone out to the city for the day. Gatsby and Daisy are all over each other, when Gatsby finally reveals to Tom that him and Daisy have loved each other for five years. Tom responds to Gatsby stating, “And what’s more I love Daisy too. Once in a while I go off on a spree and make a fool of myself, but I always come back, and in my heart I love her all the time.’ ‘You’re revolting,’ said Daisy” (131). This shows that Tom thinks he can do whatever he would like, and Daisy will still love him after he goes on cheating sprees. Daisy proves him wrong. Tom says he loves Daisy, yet he continues to cheat on her because he knows from past experiences that she will just continue to stay with him, until now, he wants Daisy back because he realizes that she now loves another man. Tom thought that he could do as he pleased, and not stay faithful to Daisy and she would take that, but Daisy ended up finding another man, and loving him, and becomes further disgusted with Tom, something Tom never thought would happen. As Tom, Nick and Jordan are driving back home they realize that there has been a crash. Tom sees that Myrtle is dead and he overhears that she has been hit by what he believes is Gatsby’s car. Nick reveals Tom’s reaction as they drive home:“In a little while I heard a low husky sob, and saw that the tears were
Tom, who has been having an affair, calls Gatsby out on Twitter using the hashtag “#homewrecker.” Gatsby is infuriated and tweets that Daisy never loved Tom. Daisy tweets that she loves Gatsby, but Gatsby texts her and says that she didn’t say she never loved Tom. Daisy replies that that isn’t something she can do, because she does love Tom, and only really likes the attention of Gatsby. Gatsby and Daisy hang out one more time, and Daisy drives an emotionally compromised Gatsby towards his home, but she happens to hit the lady Tom’s been sleeping with.
After re-reading from chapter 4 through the end of the book, I have realized how hypocritical Daisy and Tom are. Neither one of them want the other person to have an affair, yet both of them have one anyway. Tom feels as though a man is entitled to a wife and a woman on the side, yet he doesn’t believe that Daisy deserves the same thing. I have also realized that Gatsby’s love for Daisy is really just his love of their past relationship. Both Daisy and Gatsby long for the relationship they had five years ago, and don’t seem to understand that their relationship can never go back to how it was. As a result of Gatsby’s love for Daisy, he becomes blind to her faults, even going as far as blaming Daisy’s actions on Tom. The final thing I have noticed
“She told him that she loved him and Tom Buchanan saw.” (page 119) Gatsby believes that he has achieved his dream after reuniting with Daisy, but it does not last for long. “But with every word she was drawing further and further into herself and only the dead dream fought on…” (page 134) After meeting Gatsby after such a long time, Daisy realizes that he is not the same person she used to love. In the end, Daisy realizes that Gatsby is not everything she wanted and chooses Tom instead.
leading to a life of unfulfillment. Gatsby was seen as a great man with great dreams and ambitions, but when he losses his dream of being with Daisy Gatsby truly sees his life as uneventful. Gatsby thought that him and Daisy really had something, but really he was just living off of a memory. Daisy realizes that Gatsby does not fit into her world and they could never be together, even though she enjoyed the past with him. When Jordan, Nick, Gatsby, Daisy and Tom all go downtown for the day they end up at a Plaza and an aggressive conversation happened between Gatsby and Tom over Daisy. Gatsby believes that he knows Daisy the best and gets consumed with the past and thinks that is how she feels now. After some back and forth of Gatsby and Tom, Nick is describing Daisy. He explains, “It passed, and he began to talk excitedly to Daisy, denying everything, defending his name against accusations that had not been made. But with every word she was drawing further and further into herself, so he gave that up, and only the dead dream fought on as the afternoon slipped away, trying to touch what was no longer tangible, struggling unhappily, underspairingly, toward that lost voice across the room. The voice begged again to go.” (Fitzgerald 134). As Gatsby defends himself, Daisy cannot bring herself to defend him against Tom. Defending Gatsby would show that she loves him
Gatsby throws a party to find Daisy so that they can find love again, after having deep history when he left for war. Nick who is Daisy’s cousin meets gatsby at the party and they become fellow friends, Gatsby asked Nick to set up a friendly meeting for him and Daisy so that they can talk and be alone. Meanwhile Gatsby is nervous to talk to her so he finds an excuse to leave. Fortunately Gatsby finds some courage to talk to her and make time for them to spend time in his big mansion as the two spend the day together he tries to impress her. The reader may view this as if Daisy is the outlook of a prize possession to Tom rather than a person. Tom made the statement in the book when he gave her $350,000 pearl necklace the night before they decided to get married.
Gatsby waited calmly outside as if something had consumed him, his love for Daisy had driven him insane. He waited outside passively, Gatsby gazed at the flashing green light at the bay. He finally realized his dream was just at his grasp before he is interrupted by the echoing sound of Tom’s coupe as it pulled up on the drive way. Tom’s arrival along with Jordan and Nick caught Gatsby’s attention and brought anger in his eyes as he marched back and forth thinking of Tom’s plans for Daisy. Tom who seemed like a man on a mission, proceeded to make his way up the steps which lead to his exquisite mansion. After Jordan’s departure, he continued as he entered his prodigious kitchen calling Daisy down for dinner.
Tom and Gatsby never see eye to eye, and are constantly bickering, as the result of them being