
The Great Leap Forward was a Setback for China Essay

Decent Essays

Today’s China is perceived as an economic powerhouse and a seriousl player in Asia and more broadly in the international arena. However, China’s path to both economic and political prominence has been long and tortuous.The Great Leap Forward was an attempt to modernize China economy so that by 1988, China would have an economy that rivaled America. The “Great Leap Forward” was a setback to China instead of an economy booster. The main reason this atrocity occurred was the advancement of China economy. The ‘‘Civil War’’ generated economic devastation. It also displaced the majority of Chinese people from their residency into a series of communes. Political decisions/beliefs took precedence over common sense and communes faced the task of …show more content…

The people trusted Chairman Mao. Mao was not question by anyone even though it was clearly aware to everyone what he was doing or trying to succeed was inevitable . China was in bad shape because of World War and Mao thought that the people in China needed to work limits so they can overtake other competing countries so Mao developed the idea of communism. Using propaganda posters the government convinced people to take place in the Great Leap Forward He corrupted China out of personal gain and wanting to compete with a rival countries to boost economies but what good came from it nothing!
The Civil War had a lotto do with the Great Leap Forward it generated economic devastation and caused a lot of hardships on the Chinese people The people trusted chairman Mao. Mao was not question by anyone even though he was clearly aware of what he was doing. China was in bad shape and Mao thought that the people in China needed to work limits so they can overtake other competing Mao developed the idea of communism. Using propaganda posters the government convinced people to take place in the Great Leap Forward.
The Great Leap Forward displaced many people from their homes. Mao plan begun when he forced the people of China to live in communes.. A commune is a small group of persons living together, sharing possessions, work, income, etc., and often pursuing unconventional lifestyles. By the

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