The great wall of China was a great build, but was a costly build. Many died in the building of this wall. It also took over twenty-two centuries to build, and affected China’s way of life.Building this wall was not the worth the deaths or the costs.
To begin with, many soldiers and peasants died in the building of this wall. Many died in the most horrible way, from starvation to disease. It wasn’t just a few soldiers that died it was thousands. Not only did it take the lives of people it weakened the army. This weakening of the army left them open to attack. The Chinese shouldn’t have wasted lives for a wall.
In addition to many deaths it also took too long to build. With a building time of twenty-two centuries it definitely shows that this building time is quite ridiculous.It took two thousand, two hundred year just to build a wall that only covered the northern
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When the wall was built they were so focused on defending since they had a small amount of soldiers. The deaths of the soldiers also made it hard to attack others. After the wall was built the people had more responsibilities. People had to take the job of peasants since they were working on the wall and maintaining the wall. Some people believed that the wall lulled the Chinese into a false sense of security.
Other people believe that the Great wall of China was worth all the costs, but it isn’t. The wall may have protected them from a few attacks from the Mongolians, but they could have attacked them from the side. It made the Chinese feel safe when they weren’t. It protected from the Mongolians, but the only way for them to be completely safe is to build a wall all around China.
The Great Wall of China may have been helpful against a few attacks, but this build had too many costs. Losing thousands of lives is not the same as protecting a few. China was not familiar of the costs they would have had to face. China should have looked before they
According to document B, “People [slaves, convicts, and willing peasants] should be selected to settle along the border areas… while getting prepared against possible invasion by the Xiongnu.”(Document B). Since there were always people along the Great Wall it would be difficult for the Xiongnu to enter China and harm the people within the wall. Therefore, the wall provided a barrier that was both difficult to get around or climb and was also heavily guarded. Overall, the Great Wall offered the residents of China a strong sense of protection from
The Great wall cost them a lot of time and money. Document E states, during the period of the Qin they had people working on the wall for 10 whole years. That document also says many people died making the wall
The first benefit from building the wall was how it created jobs. More than a million chinese workers were put to work on the wall. So, all of the unemployed people in China now had a job where they could make money. This also gave jobs to other people because some of the people that went to work on the wall now have no one in their old job position. This means that possibly children or women took these places and everyone had a job. This is very beneficial to the people of China.
Should the Chinese have built Great Wall of China? It probably was not the best idea. When building the wall, they had three problems: The cost and the tribute to the Xiongnu Mongols, the high death rate, and the working conditions when building the wall. When the Chinese were building the Great Wall, they were faced with huge costs. Before they had the wall, they had to pay a tribute of Silk Floss(in catties) and Silk Fabric (in bales) to the Xiongu Mongols.
The Great Wall was built by The Qin and the Han Dynasty. They built The Great Wall to keep out and protect China from the Mongols. The benefits of building The Great Wall of China did not outweigh the costs. In Document B, it showed that tribute was being paid by The Han. The Han was one of the the dynasties who first built The Great Wall. This shows that the benefits did not outweigh the costs because The Han still had tribute to pay to the Xiongnu Mongols and The Han dynasty still had to build and protect The Wall from the Mongols. In Document C, the text indicated that The Qin and The Han dynasties were peasants, and worked on The Great Wall while they got feed a little bit of food and suffered. The Qin and The Han were not treated well
To begin, the benefits did outweigh the costs since the Great Wall allowed protection and security. The text explicitly states in the DBQ packet, “Chinese had built walls to protect individual towns and cities.” The quote suggests that the Great Wall was used for protection which kept invaders from China.
There are three main reasons the benefits of building the Great Wall did not outweigh the costs 1.People Died 2. Lost of Resources 3. Tribute The first reason the benefits of the Wall did not outweigh the costs was because soldiers died because of hunger, sickness, or extreme heat or coldness. The soldiers were forced to work on the wall for 2 – 5 years.
China’s people needed food as much as they needed protection, but hey had people who could help with starvation and protection, but they’re not the same people. Peasants were farmers who could harvest food and feed china, soldiers are fighters that can protect China with their forces. Therefore building the great wall wasn’t a good choice not only did they lose most of their workers but hey lost their supply of
The Great Wall of China was built by the Qin and Han dynasties. The main reason they built this structure was to keep out the northern invaders, known as the Mongols. However, the benefits of the Great Wall did not outweigh the costs. For example, Document C shows many soldiers left their families, and their villages for several years. Also, millions of soldiers and workers died from coldness, and hunger. This means that more lives were taken than actually saved, which isn't fair. It isn't fair because everyone was in the army risking their lives to build the wall for it to not be worth it. The wall wasn't worth it because according to Document B, Han still had to pay
The first reason why the Great Wall was not worth the cost was because the wall was not very effective . The chin and Han dynasty's built the Great Wall to keep out invaders. People would walk around the spots where there wanot a wall built yet or a spot where guards were not on duty. ( Doc B ) The purpose was so that not as many guards would have to be on duty, but just as many guards were then as there were when the wall was not yet built. There were not guards protecting all spots of the wall, leaving it a blank opening for other enemies to enter. The wall was not just
Have you heard of the Great Wall of China, one of the most extravagant and controversial construction projects of all time? Under the Qin and Han dynasties (c.221 BCE-220 CE), its construction began. When construction on the wall commenced under Emperor Qin, nobody in China had seen anything like it before. Not that it was the first wall in China, but it was the first wall that was quite to that scale. The wall was primarily built for security, specifically to keep the Xiongnu Mongols from invading China.
The Great Wall of China is said to be one of the greatest accomplishments done by the Chinese. The wall was first built by the people in the Han and Ming dynasty over a period of 2,500 years, but continued much later by the Ming dynasty. The entire wall measures 4,000 miles. Its purpose was to increase security from their enemy, the Mongols, who were known as barbarians to them. However, the Chinese had to sacrifice a lot to build the wall. So, was building the wall worth all the sacrifice the Chinese had to go through? I think that the Great Wall of China was not worth the cost because of high casualties, harsh conditions, and it still did not stop the Mongols.
In order to fend off the Xiongnu, Qin Shi Huang ordered the construction of an enormous defensive wall. The work was carried out by hundreds of thousands of slaves and criminals between 220 and 206 BCE; untold thousands of them died at the task.
One of the wonders of the world today is the Great Wall of China which was inspired by none other than the Qin Dynasty. Other dynasties put in dedication to having the Great Wall constructed but the Qin Dynasty played a significant role in coming up with the idea for it. The Great Wall of China would benefit China greatly because it would serve as defense against nomadic tribes. Apart from being protected by nomadic tribes, the Great Wall would be a benefit for China’s forever. Other countries
China’s unity of its civilians helped the prosperity of its nation to become well known to other power nation. At this period China became well known and believed to be as equally strong to other power nations. Sterling extensively explains that building The Great Wall of China came at an immeasurable cost for a "temporary advantage" (147). Many citizens of China have died for the cause of building a national symbol for China, which was not known as The Great Wall of China until foreigners gave it a name to remember. Only during the Ming dynasty did the interconnections of the walls that once divided China, became a unity. The expansion of many walls together came at a great cost. The Great Wall of China made it very difficult for the Mongols and Manchus to penetrate their defensive system, but this did not stop them from failing to attack the dynasty. The perceived barbarians had bankrupt the dynasty. Strategies of keeping enemies from infiltrating is a vital key to keep an economy from chaos and destroying a nation’s wealth that took years or centuries to achieve.