
The Hammond Stadium Structure

Decent Essays

Lee County (County) authorized TKW Consulting Engineers, Inc. (TKW) to perform a limited investigation of the Hammond Stadium structure located at 14100 6 Mile Cypress Pkwy, Fort Myers, FL 33912. These services are pursuant to Supplemental Task Authorization No. 1 (STA1) (April 2017) authorized under the Lee County CN150198 Misc. Structural Engineering Contract No. 7197 (August 2015) between TKW and Lee County. Hammond stadium contains the main baseball field in the CenturyLink Sports Complex in Fort Myers. The stadium is constructed primarily of precast hollow core concrete slabs supported by precast concrete beams and precast concrete columns. The beams are generally single span, bearing on concrete corbels, though some areas utilize …show more content…

A review of the potential repair options is included in the assessment and TKW will review this repair scope with the Authority in order to determine the desired repairs for design. The site inspection consisted of visual observations and measurements taken from the accessible areas. During the initial site walk, Keith Blasingim (Client Representative) indicated 4 major topics of concern: Excessive cracking in the fountain bed and walls, as well as the nearby pump room walls and roof slab. Concrete spalls and large cracks in the monumental staircase area, as well as the various regions of the stadium. Excessive cracking of the walkways throughout the stadium. Cracking of a corbel in the east region of the stadium below the main concourse level. The following sections document the conditions of each of these items and then provide recommendations for each concern. The conditions were observed and documented by Nicholas Miller, E.I. and James Lange, P.E. on 7/20/17. The fountain at the main entry to the stadium exhibits multiple structural and non-structural issues. Some non-structural issues, such as degradation of the pool liner, appear to be compounding the structural issues. Therefore, the non-structural issues will be discussed first, followed by the structural issues. The most apparent non-structural issue is the condition of the fountain pool liner. Multiple areas of the pool exhibit complete destruction of

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