Imagine a football Friday night without any equipment, water, or Powerade for the boys to drink at halftime. Some may think that preparing a football field for Friday night just happens. That is completely wrong. There are many steps to take to set it up properly. The process of setting up the football field for a home game includes setting up the home side, setting up the visitor’s side, and making Powerade for the locker room. First, one must begin to set up the home side of the field. The home side requires a few things to be set up. In order to begin, one must take two ten gallon Powerade water coolers and fill them ¾ the way up with ice. After both are filled with ice, take them to the gator. The gator is a golf cart that has the …show more content…
Then, put the ice towels cooler on the 50 yard line up against the fence. After these steps, put the blue bottles and their carriers on the grey bench. One of the last things that you would need to do is, get the water caddy; fill it all the way up with ice and water. Lastly, put it on the 50 yard line behind the white lines. Second, one must get the visitor’s sidelines ready. You simply need two Gatorade water coolers, and fill them halfway up with ice. Next, transfer them onto the gator. You now need to grab another small cooler, and fill it with ice; this will be your injury ice. Then, grab the injury ice, and a grey table, and put it in the back of the gator. After everything is filled with ice, get on the gator, drive around the corner, and fill up the two Gatorade coolers up with water. Lastly, drive onto the opposing teams sidelines, and set the table up on the 50 yard line, up against the wall. Transfer the two coolers onto the table, and put the injury ice under the table. You have now completed setting up the visitor’s side for a home game. Third, one must set up the locker room for halftime. Only two things go in the locker room; the Powerade and two sleeves of cups. To make the Powerade, you will need a blue Powerade cooler and the mix. First, fill it with six scoops of ice. Then, put 1.5 bags of Powerade mix on top of the ice. Next, you will need to fill it to the ninth line, on the inside, with water. Remember,
Use ice if you need to. Then, fill one beaker with 175 mL of water and the other with 350 mL. Warm the water in the 350mL beaker up to 55 degrees celsius and cool the water in the 175mL beaker to 15 degrees celsius, the same temperature as the pitcher because it will be your control group. Once the beaker that should be heated is at 55 degrees celsius, pour 175 mL of the water into a glove and pour the other 175 mL into a ziplock baggie. Pour the 15 degrees celsius, 175 mL of water into another ziplock baggie. Before you set these in water, have a stopwatch ready and make sure that the water in the baggies and glove is at the right temperature.
First, you will fill the ten-gallon cooler to the sixth line in the cooler; this means you have six gallons of water. Next, you will slowly pour in the 30 ounces of flavored Gatorade powder into the cooler. Meanwhile, be sure to be constantly stirring the mixture to allow the powder to completely dissolve. Once the powder has been completely dissolved, begin to
Also, the BIDDERs must submit the Invoice Schedule required. Also, Hurricanes’ Team requires to the BIDDERs to submit the following information related to the company: Commercial and Technical References and last Financial Statement
Being born and raised in Los Angeles, California, the article that intrigued me was “Dodgers asking $12 million a year for naming rights to field”, by Terry Lefton. In the eyes of some, commercialism has saturated historical Major League Baseball stadiums with signage and advertisements plastered across walls.
Large privately owned facilities like the campus stadium require a dedicated staff of personnel, rather than a sporadic or incident response team. Therefore, security at the stadium during games can be best provided by the private sector. The public law enforcement agencies in the community can and should be alerted as to when games are being attended so that they can provide back-up support or ancillary services when required.
p.m. We entered the stadium about 9:45 a.m. to setup for our tailgate party. We found a huge
p.m. We entered the stadium about 9:45 a.m. to setup for our tailgate party. We found a huge
When we think of college we think of life changing experiences, studying, meeting new people, going out, and, of course, sports. College athletics has become a huge part of college life. The joy of seeing your college team out on the field brings complete happiness to your eyes. Although someone may not be a fan of sports, they still love sharing the excitement with their peers. The place that brings all of the fans together is, Jack Trice Stadium. Jack Trice Stadium was built in 1975 (“Try Trice”) and it is one of the many important things that make up Iowa State University. There is a lot of history behind Jack Trice Stadium and it is apart of the Land-Grant Tradition.
Football season is winding down. As you know, the end of football season means everyone is gearing up for big showdowns between their favorite matchups. If you are a football fan, then it’s possible that you are planning to tailgate this year. Although tailgating is a great way to show you team spirit, safe tailgating is critical to having a good time and prevent claims against your auto insurance.
Procedure: Cut top off 2 liter bottle and bottom off another. Fill the one without a top with water and put a
Blankets are put down at 4 p.m. to reserve a seat. Streets become deserted and restaurants empty just before 7:30 p.m. kickoffs” (B. 12). While football is one of the most loved sports; it is also one of the more dangerous. Many football players will endure bone fractures, ankle sprains, and knee injuries, which are very common; but the injury high school football seems to attract the most is head injuries.Head injuries can have a lasting effect on high school players and tend to be very common. Some people consider the players at fault, while others will blame the helmet manufacturing, coaches, or even the parents. High school players are almost always overlooked and many problems can arise. Therefore coaches, players and parents need to take more responsibility and see that there are solutions to prevent concussions and eliminate such a common problem among high school players.
Before the athletes arrive for practices and games, I start off by getting the team a few water coolers and water bottles set up at their designated practice area in order for the players to be properly hydrated. After filling up the water, I always check to make sure the gator is properly equipped with an AED, splints, and a fully stocked medical kit. Shortly after, the soccer team starts to arrive. Once the athletes arrive, the next step is
Football is one of America’s favorite sports. It originated from soccer and rugby. This kind of sport is very competitive. The main point of the game is to score points by carrying the ball from a starting point to a 100-yard long by 53-yard wide field into a marked zone. Each team has a Y-shaped structured called the field goal the players. The game is divided into timing sections ranging from 12 to 15 minutes quarters. Often times, the players become violent during the game. This happens when they have to tackle each other for the ball. During this tackling period, players injured, but like anything in life it possesses risks known to the athletes before signing a contract with the NFL’s (National Football League) owner.
Being that it was my first ever 5K event, I did not know what to expect when I arrived at George Bush Park. With that being said, the setup was very simple. There was a table in front of the course where runners gave their registration number and got their running bib. Once that was
Growing up in southeast Texas, football is rite of passage for young boys. It is used to teach lessons about teamwork, winning and defeat, and to toughen young boys up and mold them into young men. Most boys start playing in the fourth and fifth grade and continue to play all the way through their senior year of high school. Over the years, the love of the game grows into a passion that is almost impossible to explain. All of this leads up to senior night, where you defend your home turf for the last time, unless you are forced against every ounce of your will to stand on the sideline in a jersey and blue jeans.