
The Hidden Meaning In The Diary Of Anne Frank

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Anne Frank and her family went into hiding due to World War II. While there, they had little communication with the outside world aside from a friend, Miep, who gave them news. The play, “The Diary of Anne Frank,” goes through their life while in hiding and how historical events affected them. World War II, The Holocaust, and the Invasion of Normandy all affected the Franks while they were hiding.
World War II played a major role in this play. World War II is one of the reasons why the Franks went into hiding. During World War II, Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer of Germany, believed in creating the perfect race. This is known as the Aryan Race. The people who were not classified as Aryan were prosecuted in order to “purify” Germany.The Franks were Jewish, and therefore not part of the Aryan Race. So, if the Franks were found, they would have been put in concentration camps and killed. They went into hiding in hopes of not being found and surviving the war. World War II began a genocide called the Holocaust, another reason why they went into hiding. …show more content…

During the Holocaust, 17 million people died, 6 million of them were Jewish. They were afraid that they would be ratted out and found by the Nazis. During the day, they had to be absolutely silent so nobody in the office below heard them. If they were found by the Nazis, they would be victims of the Holocaust. Miep would deliver news that close friends were taken or left their homes. Many of the Franks family and friends were taken away while they were hiding. However, there was nothing they could do about it besides wait until they were liberated. Miep did not just bring bad news, she also brought extremely exciting

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