
`` The Highest Bidder `` : How Foreign Investors Are Squeezing Out Vancouver 's Middle Class

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In Vancouver, British Columbia the housing market has been termed as an-affordability crisis, in which Vancouver’s middle-upper class are painted as the main victims of an accelerating housing market. Speculation as to what or who is heating up the housing market is controversial, some explanations point to varying demographics, limited geographic space, and low interest rates but overall there seems to be an emphasis toward foreign investors, specifically buyers from mainland China. Kerry Gold’s piece, The Highest bidder: How Foreign Investors are Squeezing out Vancouver’s Middle Class, in The Walrus parallels alongside this view. Gold may not be wrong in her assertion, much effort, money, and research has been pooled into investigating …show more content…

Capitalism, is inherently structured by the West to privilege the West, and the outcry in Vancouver is just an example of the West’s overall assumption that structure and security will forever be provided under the auspicious of neoliberal economy. But the reason Vancouver is in this housing mess is because of neoliberalism. Neoliberal economics are not supported by economic theory or historical experience; it is a luck of the dice type toss up situation (Brock et al, 2012, p. 110). Gold’s failure to include free-market capitalism into her address of Vancouver’s housing chaos, has arguably contributed to propagating and racially polarizing Chinese individuals as the sole face of the housing tragedy. Analyses of Gold’s piece under a Marxist lens will be provided in order to expose a micro example of the global North’s overall neocolonial undertone. Gold’s sympathy and support for the middle-upper class outcry pursuing government to enact policy to oust Chinese investors from the housing market, will be compared to global institutions such as the IMF, World Bank, and free- trade agreements, in order to unearth a larger symptom of the Global North’s poor sportsmanship, and neocolonialist practices. Furthering the argument that when neoliberalism disregards the West’s interests, and serves to privilege someone else’s, the West cannot take the heat. And intern responds by

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