Sports Medicine
Sports medicine is mainly involved with injuries caused my sports or/and physical activity. Physical activities have been around for decades, either if it’s fighting, playing a game that contains physical contact, but when was the first injury recorded for sports medicine? The first injury to be recorded was the fight of Homer and Apollo (the god of the sun) in the late 850 BC. According to the Greeks and Romans, fighting was a regular thing, especially man against man, to represent who had the most power, and this is when Homer got multiple injuries, now I know you might think this is mythology and it might not be true, but for a matter a fact Romans had traditional fightings, it was completely normal for them and there were many injuries and deaths caused by those violent fightings, but as the times passed, and the development/ creations of sports like basketball and baseball began the historical movements of sports medicine., even the minor injuries have effect to sports medicine, so a simple sprain or scrape was still well-known as an injury, but as more inventions began, and the detailing of sports became more aggressive the injuries began to grow. The major effect of this situation is the deaths caused by a traumatic brain injury, mostly concussions, and researchers have made a new discovery, on September 27, 2017 they identify a CTE Biomarker that may lead to diagnosis while alive. This is highly important because the concussion rate has been
In 1994, a neurologist released a report saying that it is dangerous for people with head trauma to continue to play a sport. It also stated that additional head trauma
In the highly controversial movie, Concussion, released in movie theatres nationwide on December 15th 2015, starring Will Smith, the story addressed people on the severity of football concussions and the discovery of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). Players of the NFL were having a great number of concussions. Doctors were mad about this unexplainable phenomenon. Parents were concerned about the safety of their children playing football. After the discovery of CTE, in Mike Webster by Dr. Bennet Omalu in 2002, the controversy of CTE really began its uproar. The NFL's Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI) Committee refuted this research. They accused Omalu of lack of knowledge and did not want to believe that forceful contact in football
Since the 1920s, there has been a severe disease linked to athletes. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is a disease that effects athletes that have had head trauma. The trauma causes the brain tissue to deteriorate. The changes can become apparent after months, years, or even decades. CTE is linked to memory loss, confusion, impaired judgment, impulse control problems, aggression, depression, and, eventually, progressive dementia. (“What”, 2009). CTE has caused football to change as well as the equipment. CTE is now widely known and is effecting, not only professional athletes, but also high school athletes. Concussions and chronic traumatic encephalopathy are serious conditions that can affect anyone and have adverse effects.
While examining his brain, they found the first case of CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy) in a football player (Ezell). Dr. Omalu continued into the brains of football players. He diagnost another player with CTE. After that, two other doctors connect concussions to dementia. Dr. Bailes and Dr. Guskiewicz wrote, “that the onset of dementia-related syndromes may be initiated by repetitive cerebral concussions in professional football players” (Ezell). This was the first major finding connecting football to brain injuries.
On the websites and article I researched Concussions and other sports injuries and how they have affected the medical field and made that field stronger. In the first article I found it talked mainly about concussions and about how they are always a bad thing when an athlete gets one but in the medical field each time an athlete has gotten one it has led to major advances in the medical field of concussions. Advances in sports medicine has come a long way within half a century, it has gone from coaches only being able to ask “How many fingers am I holding up”, to EMTs being able to diagnose a concussion on the spot and being able to treat it. Not only has our knowledge of being able to diagnose concussions has gone up but also our knowledge of what to do when
“For example, collision sports such as football and ice hockey characteristically have more acute traumatic injuries than sports such as swimming and track. Boxing has more head-related trauma because of the focus of the sport. Within each sport, a general injury pattern and specific types of injury are unique to the sport. One type of injury that can occur in any sport or physical activity is concussion”. (Cerebral Concussion: Causes, Effects, and Risks in Sports).
Within the last few years, the BU ADC developed a new branch called the Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Center (CTE Center), which is devoted specifically to research this disease (Boston University, n.d.). In 2015, a team of scientists from the CTE Center conducted a study analyzing the brain tissue of deceased football players. The researchers separated the participants into two groups: (a) those who played professional football, and (b) those who had played football during some part of their lifetime (high school level, college level, etc.). The results showed that 87 of the 91 NFL players tested positive for CTE. In addition, 131 of the 195 subjects who had played football during some part of their lifetime tested positive for CTE (Breslow, 2015). This study proved that CTE could affect any athlete (including high school level athletes), not just professional
The first page of the article talks Technology and how times have juristically changed, as far as health and are ability to fix an injury, and how back in the day injury was seen as weakness. So, it was seen as coach’s prioritizing strength and toughness over injury. (443) It also says in this article “Although man types of injuries have declined as a result of advanced technology and increased awareness, concussions and brain related injuries continue to be an enormous problem in sports”. (443, Key) Youths in the year of 2014, roughly had 173,285 concussions and this was not in one sport, this was in all sports. (443) This just shows that not one sport is responsible for all concussions. In a very important case Mann v. Palmerton Area School District, the victims being the Mann’s, and the defendants being Palmerton Area Schools. The Mann’s were accusing the school district that they didn’t take the right actions when their son was hit
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, or better known as CTE has gained momentum in areas of public awareness and scientific involvement in recent years due to the popularized sport on American Football. During recent years, the media has been swaying and educating the public on the adverse outcomes that CTE can initiate. However, the first discovery of this disease was diagnosed by pathologist Harrison Martland and can be related back to the late 1920’s; the first true cases were identified in the physical sport of boxing. During that time, CTE was commonly known as dementia pugilistica meaning “punch drunk” from the wobbly nature of boxers during repetitive hits to the head.1,2 It was determined that dementia pugilistica (also known as boxer’s
When I was in high school people started to get more serious about concussions and education. I done remember the traumatic stories much, but I remember the testing and education about concussions in sports toward coaches, teachers, students, and parents. Although some of the stories are very serious and sad, I think they were very eye opening to people and easily got people’s attention. Professional sports had strict rule for injuries and included concussion guidelines along with the “when in doubt, sit them out” attitude. This led legislators, parents, and schools to have similar practices in high school sports. I think it all would have happened over time, but some of the chronic injuries motivated people to implement rules and strategies
CTE is a problem arising among professional athletes dating back to the 1920’s. (Jay Barry Harris) Many of these athletes, mostly retired, have struggled in their later years with mental illnesses such as memory loss, depression, substance abuse, and suicide. (Saulle and Greenwald) Concussions are the most common occurrence in athletes with an estimated 1.6–3.8 million sport-related concussions reported annually in America (Daneshvar et el). Concussions are the main source of CTE, however this can be an underrepresentation of the true number because many athletes do not seek medical attention or vocalize their symptoms. Many athletes fail to report their symptoms because of their desire to continue playing. In a 2009 CTE review, it found that 46 out of 51 neuropathologically diagnosed cases of CTE occurred in athletes, which translates to 90% (Mckee et el).
Concussions have been known about since the early 1900s. During this time concussions did not receive the attention that it receives now. In mainstream media today concussions are a growing issue, not only in professional sports but also at high school and college levels. It is believed that Dr. Bennet Omalu was the first person to come up with a study and show that concussions are very dangerous and the great effects it has. His focus was mainly towards American football but it was helpful to others who did not play football as well. Dr. Bennet Ifeakandu Omalu is a forensic pathologist who was the first to publish findings of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) in American football players while working at the Allegheny County Coroner 's Office in Pittsburgh. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is a progressive degenerative disease of the brain found in people with a history of repetitive brain trauma, including symptomatic concussions as well as sub concussive hits to the head that do not cause symptoms (Boston University, 2015). CTE has been known to affect boxers since the 1920’s (when it was termed punch drunk syndrome or dementia pugilistic). However, in recent years the disease has been found in other athletes, including football and hockey players, as well as in military veterans (Boston University, 2015). CTE is not limited to professional athletes; it has also been found in athletes who did not play sports after high school or college. The repeated brain trauma
After watching the movie “Concussion,” you will see and walk away with a kind of a important and, in all likelihood, consistent worry and also anxiety attacks about the act of playing football or any sport of the fact. Given the fact that, our brains, and the known sport football (the frequently served opportunity for an important sub-concussive and concussive hits), there is a huge yet clear debate for a plausible medical crisis in the long term it was always happening but we have only just started to realize it recently.
Today injuries in sports is a common topic. A sprained ankle, broken finger, bruised knee are all afflictions commonly known to the players and spectators; however, not all are informed about the severity of head trauma. In sports, there are concussive incidents: hits to the head causing the brain to violently shake damaging brain cells to the point where they can no longer be used. In the game of soccer this can occur when colliding with another player or direct contact to the head. Recovery for athletes with concussions is generally quick, but in some scenarios symptoms
Their have been many developments in sport and coaching science (CS) over the last few years. Davies et al (1965) have suggested that the developmetns made are, in the field of sports science, mainly related to the changes in technologies. Smith and Wesson (2006) have indicated that, though changes in coaching science are not as easy to pinpoint the cause, changes in practice are most likely to be as a result of changes in the approach of many coaches to develop a more athlete centred approach. It has also been suggested that the development of media technologies has led to changes in practice. In this essay, I will identify the issues which have led to changes in these sciences, and weather they have been good or bad. I will then go on to