
The Holocaust And The Holocaust

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On the night of November 9th,1938 Jewish homes, hospitals, schools, synagogues and businesses were ransacked by SA paramilitary forces and Nationalist Socialist party supporters to send an unambiguous message that the Jews had no home in Germany. Contrary to what the Nazi party had anticipated, the public response to Kristallnacht was generally shock rather than enthusiasm for the mass demonstration of violence toward the Jews of Germany [I think you should cite this – where did you find this?]. Through Kristallnacht and other orchestrated displays of intolerance, Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister, hoped to motivate the German populace to express similar hatred he held toward Jews; Goebbels frequently turned to film to mold public opinion. In 1940, at the behest of Goebbels, Veit Harlan directed Jud Süss - a film based on a historical novel, written by Lion Feuchtwanger in 1925, that became an international bestseller across Europe and eventually was adapted as a play in the United Kingdom. Goebbels grasped the potential of the play as a cautionary tale warning Germans of Jewish malicious intent, and focused his attention on the mass-distribution of the film to further the Nazi anti-Semitic agenda. Instead of interpreting the intended moral of the film as a tragedy, Goebbels twisted the message of the film to promote anti-Semitic fervor. The film became an instant box-office success and was the lynchpin of the propaganda campaign against the Jews [CITE, I

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