
The Horror that is Animal Testing

Decent Essays

When you go to your local pharmacy and pick up medicine, do you know what animals have gone through to get it on the shelves? It is something we’ll never have to imagine going through, so why should animals? Animal testing is not necessary. Animals simply don’t have a choice if they want to be experimentd on. What makes me angry, is there are alternative methods to testing, so animals don’t need to suffer. Animals have to endure terrible pain, fear, and loneliness, which is cruel and mean on our part. The pros and cons to testing don’t even out. Cleary, animal testing needs to be put to a halting stop.

Animals and humans are very much alike. Infact, this is one of the reasons we test on them, because our bodies are very similar. Animals and humans share emotions, including sadness, happiness, and fear. As much alike as we are, there are things that set us apart. One being that they are treated much more poorly than humans. Just because they don’t have rights, doesn’t mean it is acceptable to test on them . “The question is not, "Can they reason?" nor, "Can they talk?" but "Can they suffer?” Jeremy Bentham states, perhaps with an opinion that animals can feel the same emotions as humans. I agree with this statement, knowing that animals also have a heart.The simple fact they cannot talk should not determine their fate. Imagine the roles reversed. You are the animals, and they are human.You don’t have a say in what you can and can’t do. In addition, you are

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