
The Dangers Of Animal Testing

Decent Essays

Animal Testing
There are so many products being tested on animals , from being lipsticks, shampoos, makeup, skin care etc. But have you ever wondered the side effects these animals experience while using these products? They will experience Burning, torturing, pain, hunger, thirst etc. How is living in a cage living? It's not it is just surviving.

My five points about this subject are:

● Everyday, the products you use are tested on animals.
● They can't speak for themselves.
● They are trapped.
● This happens every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year.
● We can help by knowing the products that are tested on animals.

They scream hurt that we shudder to even imagine and all in the name of research. Animals were not made to wear makeup right? So why should we put it on them? Animals react to drugs differently than we do. They can't tell you how much it hurts. There systems are different than ours. They test more on monkey’s because they are more …show more content…

Us as humans, to be able to express a bit of how we feel in words, and then to see them not being able to express their pain but scream of pain and agony, we should know when to stop right? But instead we push on and hurt a little more because a little more won't kill them right? But sometimes it does and leads to lots of pain before death. Because it was wrong when we did it to orphans, blacks G.I.s and gypsies and it wrong when we did it to animals! We can't explain what we're doing to them and if we could what would we say? You can't accurately apply the results to humans therefore it is unscientific. Because after this you know it's just plane wrong. In silence the suffer and in loneliness they die. This is why i have decided to protest against animal testing. Not only because it is painful but because it is wrong no animals should feel unloved or unworthy of living. Animal testing is wrong, help make it

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