The advancements of 3D printing technology within society is advancing at such a speed The research within this assignment will focus on the conflict surrounding 3D printing (bioprinting) artificial organs with stem cells based on an ethical point of view. Throughout numerous articles, two key conflicts are expressed towards the public. The first conflict consists of the question of which stem cells will be used to create the organs. The second conflict elaborates on the possibility of creating organs that will enhance our natural capabilities as humans. These interpretations of the conflict originated from a press release published by Gartner Inc. According to the Gartner Inc.’s website, “Gartner, Inc. (NYSE: IT) is the world 's leading …show more content…
Third, a science article used is from ABC Science. Finally, the science papers used were pages 130-139 from the 34th volume of Biomaterial. The time frame used for this research was from January 1st 2013 to the present.
On January 29 2014, a few years after the publication of the science papers, the Gartner company published a press release that ignited the ethical conflict of 3D printing organs. Gartner Inc. quotes Pete Basiliere’s (research vice president for Gartner Inc.) statement within the press release “[w]hat happens when complex 'enhanced ' organs involving nonhuman cells are made?” This indicates that the first reference to the conflict is the question of what will occur when enhanced organ are made out of non-human cells. On that same day three other mass media outlets (The Telegraph, IBT and Computerworld) published articles that referenced Gartner’s press release. It is important to note that these articles all quote what Basiliere said within the press release. This indicates that they used Gartner Inc.’s press release as a primary source of information for their own articles.
The article from The Telegraph states, “3D printing 's ability to manufacture highly customised human organs and anatomical parts will raise inevitable ethical and moral dilemmas.” The Telegraph article only states that the ability to create customized organs will raise this ethical conflict. Nothing about the
The importance of ethical issues is often understated in public knowledge. Embryonic stem cell research should be of the utmost importance in the American society due to increased federal funding and the promises research in this field hold. As with many other controversies, embryonic stem cell research can be described as a dispute between religion and science due to the destruction of a viable human embryo. Depending on the status an individual grants an embryo will likely determine their stance on the issue. Next, many changes in legality and public acceptance have prompted leaders to increase funding and expand research nationally. Since taxpayers’ dollars are at work, the public should be aware of this prevalent and advancing ethical issue and be informed of its specifics. The public should also be aware of the advancements in healthcare that this research promise. Due to the changes in funding and legality, many discoveries have been made, pushing this science further. Many scientists believe embryonic stem cell research holds the key to curing many bodily injuries and deadly diseases such as spinal cord and brain injuries, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. Also, many scientists conceive that, in the future, it will be possible to “grow” human organs from an individual’s stem cells for transplantation. The latter are only a few of the plethora of anticipated and promised treatments research in this field holds. Lastly,
Lastly, one of the main ethical issues discussed concerning stem cell research originates in the fact that embryonic stem cells have to be generated from embryos that are destroyed in the process. This means that stem cell research again raises the question of whether there are any ethical limits concerning the destruction of human embryos for research of therapeutic purposes, as well as the most fundamental question of the moral status of the human embryo. (Holm p. 10) If human embryos have any moral status we need a good explanation to destroy them, and the greater their moral status the more important or weighty the justification has to be. In the case of embryonic stem cell research, it is impossible to respect both moral principles. To
Most people see medical advancements as beneficial because they can improve the quality of life for many people, but others would argue that those benefits come at a price. In the case of stem cell research the benefit would be saving lives while the price would be embryonic destruction. Furthermore, the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley identifies that much like the debate on stem cell research, technology has ethical boundaries. Furthermore, Shelley’s view that technology becomes monstrous when it crosses ethical boundaries was an unintentional prediction of the future, and is still relevant in today’s society as it relates to medical advancements such as stem cell research.
Embryonic stem cells research has challenged the moral ethics within human beings simply because the point at which one is considered a “human,” is still under debate and practically incapable to make a decision upon.
In his work, “Introduction: Nanotechnology, Society, and Ethics”, CalPoly Associate Professor of Philosophy Patrick Lin writes, “Let’s take a step back and consider any given technology we have created: gunpowder, the printing press, the camera, the automobile, nuclear power, the computer, Prozac, Viagra, the mobile phone, the Internet. Undoubtedly, these have brought us much good, but each has also changed society in important, fundamental ways and caused new problems, such as increased pollution, urban sprawl, cyber-crimes, privacy concerns, intellectual property concerns, drug dependencies, new cases of sexually-transmitted diseases, other unintended health problems, mutually-assured destruction and much more. The point here is not that we would have been better off without these inventions. Rather, we should come to terms that our creations can have unintended or unforeseen consequences” (Lin, n.d., p. 1). Lin’s point goes across the board for all technologies, there will be unforeseen consequences, some will be good and some will certainly be perceived as bad.
A. Reason to Listen: 3D printing has advanced to the point of creating new organs, therefore saving lives.
The medical advances of donor organs and organ transplants have made incredible leaps and bounds in recent decades. Today we can grow stem cells from normal skin tissues, but there are still ethical arguments against the practice of using stem cells for medical procedures. Being able to produce these stem cells from our body tissues is a huge bound forward in medical advances. With that, it is possible to create an organ for the individual who needs it; increasing the organ's viability and ability to be used; ensuring there is no damage or contaminates from donor organs. Now of course even lab-grown organs have its list of ethical backlash that it has faced in recent years. Medical professionals and scientists are already growing organs
While 3D printing brings the promise of innovation and creativity to many, it brings fear to others; fear of 3-D printed weapons, intellectual property infringement, and safety issues with CAD designs. As such, 3D printing raises both ethical and regulatory issues for the society.
The abilities of stem cells sound wonderful to many people, but there are also those who find an ethical and moral dilemma regarding the use of stem cells. In the article Stem Cell Factsheet, from EuroStemCell, last updated March 23, 2011, it is stated that “Embryonic stem cell research poses a moral dilemma. It forces us to choose between two moral principles:
Cartoons and movies around the world have shown the idea of regenerating limbs. Regenerating limbs might seem like a fantasy, but the idea might turn into a reality. STEM cells have biologist in awe. From healing scars to giving a person a completely new copy of their own heart, the capabilities and possibilities are endless. Yet some might argue that it is not right and the way to extract STEM cells is not ethical. The arguments can go on forever and ever. The way of extracting STEM cells is very controversial, but the practice can save millions of lives because they can be used to copy organs, create new organs, kill of many diseases.
The field of engineering includes many different careers that involve a large range of skill sets. Biomedical Engineering combines basic engineering skills with an understanding of biology and anatomy to design and build systems that will produce artificial internal organs, artificial devices to replace body parts, and machines that will help diagnose medical problems and diseases. Since the field is still very new and growing, it is not all that well known yet. But recently many ethical questions have been raised within the field. Some people are not okay with artificial organs being produced and other think it is the new future. Despite those feelings many new companies that deal with this field are being founded and research is continuing to grow. In years to come new medical advancements will be published because of the work of many biomedical
Imagine, one day, being able to own your own biological repair kit, designed specifically for your body. This repair kit could have the ability to heal you from the majority of injuries or diseases, without fear of rejection or mechanical parts. This all could potentially be possible with the proper research into stem cells to treat injury or disease. However, the procedures followed for the research of stem cells have stirred up a hefty amount of controversy in the past and the present. Stem Cell research has been argued to be an ethical choice due to its possibilities for simplified treatments in the future, yet it is controversial due to the destruction of embryos, and the undecided moral status of the embryo, which is why
The paper will then focus on how the public opinion can affect stem cells research and the main factor that shapes different opinions on this controversial topic. Lastly, this paper will discuss regulations of stem cells. Given the number of countries that are currently experimenting with stem cells, this essay will only discuss the regulations imposed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Health Institute (NIH), both agencies of the United States Department of Health and Human Services. The scope of this paper does not include ethical, religious and/or moral issues.
Beginning as a miniscule stem cell, an eventual organ can save a life. A major goal of mine is to turn what is inevitable into preventable; stem cells have proven to be an option to prevent unnecessary, sorrowful events. A step further, the way to benefit people in rare circumstances is through personalised treatment and care that can only be made possible with 3D printing. Bertalan Meskó describes the miracle that saved Kaiba Gionfriddo from death after being born prematurely...bioprinting happened to be the miracle. After his caretakers bioprinted a device that instantly helped him breathe, Kaiba could be taken off a ventilator and breathe through an entire day (it was abnormal for him to make it an entire day without being unable to breathe.) “This case is considered a prime example of how customized 3D printing is transforming healthcare as we know it,” according to Meskó.
As organs continue to fail in the bodies of hundreds of thousands of people, the demand for them has increased, while the ability to easily acquire them has decreased. Many men, women and children are struggling to live due to an unhealthy organ that resides in them, so the demand for a replacement organ becomes critical. With a lack of people willing to donate their organs, individuals will soon be getting compensated to do so, which will increase the willingness of people to donate, giving those in need the chance to live. Even the families of the deceased will be compensated if any part of their body was donated. In addition to the increase of donations, organs will soon be grown from the stem cells of a patient, as well as be printed from a three-dimensional bioprinter.