
The Impact Of 3d Printing On An Ethical Point Of View

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The advancements of 3D printing technology within society is advancing at such a speed The research within this assignment will focus on the conflict surrounding 3D printing (bioprinting) artificial organs with stem cells based on an ethical point of view. Throughout numerous articles, two key conflicts are expressed towards the public. The first conflict consists of the question of which stem cells will be used to create the organs. The second conflict elaborates on the possibility of creating organs that will enhance our natural capabilities as humans. These interpretations of the conflict originated from a press release published by Gartner Inc. According to the Gartner Inc.’s website, “Gartner, Inc. (NYSE: IT) is the world 's leading …show more content…

Third, a science article used is from ABC Science. Finally, the science papers used were pages 130-139 from the 34th volume of Biomaterial. The time frame used for this research was from January 1st 2013 to the present.

On January 29 2014, a few years after the publication of the science papers, the Gartner company published a press release that ignited the ethical conflict of 3D printing organs. Gartner Inc. quotes Pete Basiliere’s (research vice president for Gartner Inc.) statement within the press release “[w]hat happens when complex 'enhanced ' organs involving nonhuman cells are made?” This indicates that the first reference to the conflict is the question of what will occur when enhanced organ are made out of non-human cells. On that same day three other mass media outlets (The Telegraph, IBT and Computerworld) published articles that referenced Gartner’s press release. It is important to note that these articles all quote what Basiliere said within the press release. This indicates that they used Gartner Inc.’s press release as a primary source of information for their own articles.

The article from The Telegraph states, “3D printing 's ability to manufacture highly customised human organs and anatomical parts will raise inevitable ethical and moral dilemmas.” The Telegraph article only states that the ability to create customized organs will raise this ethical conflict. Nothing about the

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