IMPACT OF ETHICAL DIMENSION ON JOB SATISFACTION OF EMPLOYEES Chapter No. 1 Introduction 1.0 Background The need of organizational ethics is becoming more significant for job satisfaction in all businesses. These businesses have to face many ethical issues like social responsibilities, social expectations, fair competition, legal protections and rights. The consistency and maintenance of an organization’s culture enforces the management to take into account the culture and various factors like performance, driving force to work, dedication, etc. (Lund, 2003). These issues affect all the parties that are interlinked to each other. This means that organizational leadership has a great impact on the outcomes of the business. It implies that if leadership ensures support and rewarding ethical behavior, the more positive and fruitful will be the expected outcomes. A person can convince others to achieve specific objectives through inspiration and leading properly. Human beings have the capacity to bring harmony in a group and lead people towards a goal (David, 1986). Job satisfaction is a positive feeling about a person’s job which is a result of the appraisal of its characteristics. Some people have positive feelings about their jobs while some have negative (Robbins, Judge & Sanghi). A lot of factors are responsible for creating job satisfaction and dissatisfaction. These factors are the traditional components of job satisfaction. It varies from person to person. The
Every business develops a set of ethical principles that they abide by. The business ethical principles intentions: it construct the business certainty in the community , maintain the employees liveried in what the business attempt to have as structural conducts and aid the employees consume principles to make ethical choices that guards the business. In a culture with a diverse assessment structure and augmented judgment visibly by companies with changeable ethics and interests, there appears to be further difficulties on business individuals to make tougher ethical assessments. In our day-to-day performances, we depend on on our ethical principles to monitor us in the correct path and do the correct things. The substance of any efficacious and perpetual business is they segment a mutual ethical matter concentrating on presenting and generating value along with allocating their business values with the citizens they network with on a day-to-day basis.
Financial Advisor (2007) reported that one of the major reasons employees left their jobs was because of job dissatisfaction. Kreitner and Kinicki (2010) defined job satisfaction as “an affective or emotional
Ethics are values and principles that individuals use to govern his decisions and activities. Ethics are about moral judgment of an individual about right and wrong. In an organization, code of ethics refers to set of guiding principles and organizations use these principles in their policies, programs, and decisions for business. Within organizations, decisions are taken by groups or individuals and these decisions are influenced by the culture of the company. Decision making and relevance of ethics may also differ for nonprofit and for profit organizations. In contemporary business environment, organizations must have a clear ethical policy and implement it in proper manner. There are many social, legal and economic outcomes that company has to face in case of any ethical dilemma, so there must be a smart strategy to deal with ethical dilemmas. In this paper, we will address the ethics for nonprofit and profits organizations, ethical dilemmas being faced or faced by each of these companies and the outcomes of these ethical dilemmas. Critique of actions of each of these companies will be provided from the point of view of applicable philosophical theories of organizational ethics.
Today’s business world presents numerous ethical issues. In today’s world above board/moral ethics in organizations do not often materialize intuitively. Organization must strive to provide employees with a clear understanding of the overall company vision. This will aid employees in practicing the code of ethics, policies and procedures in the workplace. Companies must be unwavering in continuously delivering the uppermost ethics of provision in which customers, applicants and employees are entitled to under fair business practices. One major core value is to uphold responsible and fair business practices.
Job satisfaction is a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences. It has been treated both as a general attitude and satisfaction with five specific dimensions of the job: pay, the work itself, promotion opportunities, supervision, and coworkers. Challenging work, valued rewards, opportunities for advancement, competent supervision, and supportive coworkers are dimensions of the job that can lead to satisfaction (Nelson & Quick, 2013, pg.
In difficult financial times, companies face various moral issues to try to keep up with their competitors. Although these issues have a direct impact on employee decision making, businesses rarely address how employees should assess the ethics of their actions and incorporate ethics into their decisions. Often this can be alleviated by creating and maintaining a corporate culture with a focus on
Moral and ethical integrity is a major factor that affects the success and productivity of an organization because of its impact on the functions of management and the management team. As organizational ethics has increasingly become an issue of major focus resulting in organizations to face huge dilemma, there have been several questions on who should manage ethics and integrity in the firm (Segon, n.d.). In most cases, organizations tend to delegate the ethics function to the human resource management practitioners or department. This is primarily because organizational ethics is largely related to the type of employees within an organization. Notably, the development and establishment of organizational ethics is regarded as a complex
Companies are supposed to be able to achieve and demonstrate an ever increasing performance showing improvement on leading in their industries to acquire competitive advantages. Having a high level of performance could be greatest achieved with competent and motivated employees. The conduct of business in an organization with an ethical manner is of great importance to secure an increasing performance as well. Organizations functioning towards ethical standards should ensure unbiased applications of business and recall a sense of justice to stimulate motivation among their employees. Employees that are motivated through a positive ethical organizational climate and leadership do much better than a less motivated employee. This promotes the organizational achievement that causes
Job satisfaction can be known to some people as an important element in their lives. If an individual is unhappy with their occupation it may affect other parts of their life. Job satisfaction can be seen in what one wants in a job as to what one has in their current job.
Job satisfaction is in regard to one's feelings or state-of-mind regarding the nature of their work. Job satisfaction can be influenced by a variety of factors, eg, the quality of one's relationship with their supervisor, the quality of the physical environment in which they work, degree of fulfillment in their work, etc.
Job satisfaction is defined as "the extent to which people like (satisfaction) or dislike (dissatisfaction) their jobs". This factors bring positive impact on organizational performance and employees’ commitments.
In their personal and professional lives, people can and, unfortunately, sometimes do go against their moral and ethical standards. Ethical standards are what it means to be a good person, the social rules that govern our behavior. Ethics in business is essentially the study of what constitutes the right and wrong or the good or bad behavior in the workplace environment. A business is an organization whose objective is to provide goods or services for profit. The organization has a group of people that work together to achieve a common purpose. The moral challenges that these men and women face each day along with a whole range of problems that could occur, are why ethics plays such an important
This chapter discusses the concept of job satisfaction, human resource management, human resource practices, human resource planning, recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation, employee relation, safety and health issues relating job satisfaction. The literature review is conducted in a systematic manner to unfold the disciplines of human resource management and job satisfaction.
Career satisfaction is simply how content an individual is with his or her job, in other words, whether they like the job or individual aspects or facets of jobs, such as nature of work or supervision. 2 factors I believe that might help someone experience levels of satisfaction are as followed. Good relationships with superiors and Good work-life balance. If the organization is well managed, everything happens on time. There is less amount of miss communication, management works tirelessly and motivates other employees as well then, the satisfaction level that any employee would get there would be much higher. Two factors that decrease career satisfaction are Poor management and lack of interest. Not having the leadership required is another reason for career dissatisfaction People want to work with people who
Job satisfaction is the positive feeling that results from an appraisal of one’s work. () Job satisfaction is based on a number of things. These include hope, resilience, optimism and self-efficiency.() Being satisfied with the job you hold can also affect your job performance. Job satisfaction tends to increase with age. One of the reasons this happens is because as you age you have possessed more time to find a job in which one truly enjoys. A person may just have also come to terms with the issues at the job you have. Someone might realize that they will not be able to find a new job and learn to tolerate the one they have. A person may just start to make the best of what job they have chosen and learn to turn negatives into positives. Middle-aged workers are often more satisfied with the control they feel they have at their job rather than their pay. White collar workers or people who hold more office-based jobs also seem to have a higher satisfaction with their job than those blue collar workers, which requires a lot of manual labor. People who are older also tend to have advanced positions in their careers or have more control over the day to day of their job. Many people who are not satisfied with their positions are those in entry positions. This lower pay and little to no control over the day to day operations of their job. People often change occupations to feel as though they are being challenged or to keep their job more interesting. People who are older have