
The Impact Of Trobairitz's Influence On Music And Music

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The music of the troubadours and the trobairitz flourished from the eleventh to the thirteenth centuries. Their lyrics are frequently referred to as the origin of modern European literature and some of the finest European poetry. The Middle Ages was a period in which religious music was far more commonly accepted. Nonetheless, the troubadours and the trobairitz were able to rise to prominence and have a significant influence on music and literature for several centuries. During their prime, they popularized the concept of fin amor along with several genres such as canso, pastourelle, and salut d’amor. The troubadours and trobairitz also utilized uncommon subjects and made them acceptable. Themes such as courtly love and chivalry in music/poetry …show more content…

Unlike the troubadours, the only known women composers were members of the nobility or members of the Church. The trobairitz were unique because of their opportunities to perform and compose. Perhaps the troubadour tradition of uplifting women, even if only for sexual desires, contributed to women being able to participate. They are the first known secular female composers and a “testimony of the ways aristocratic women in Southern France were able to participate fully in the game and life of poetry.” The trobairitz, though not always known specifically by name, differed from the troubadours in several ways and were equally important. “Scholars have often remarked that one of the major differences between [troubadour lyric] and [trobairitz] lyric is the latter’s sensuous expression of desire.”4 Anonymous trobairitz are referred to as domnas. Very few are known by name, but the lyrical style of the trobairitz is easily identifiable nonetheless. The third stanza of Azalais de Porcairagues’s canso “Ar em al freg temps vengut” exemplifies how many trobairitz preferred to feel superior to their lovers, whereas troubadours frequently praised the women they referred to in their lyrics. According to Songs of the Women Troubadours, the third stanza …show more content…

By writing their own songs about courtly love they were able to proclaim what they desired and/or deserved. Trobairitz style was consistent with the troubadours because they both tended to refer to women as the superior sex. However, unlike many troubadours, the trobairitz were not referring to themselves as superior for sexual or aesthetic purposes. Porcairagues states that a woman who purposely seeks a relationship with a man of wealth was a dishonor; love should be pure. This exemplifies a stark difference between several examples of troubadour poetry and this particular example of trobairitz poetry. It is especially significant that she was concerned with love being pure during a period in which marriage was a social contract meant to increase or maintain wealth or status. The emphasis on love demonstrates how both the troubadours and the trobairitz embraced the concept of courtly

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