
The Impacts Of Classical Music In The 20th Century Twentieth Century Music

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The twentieth century music composition gave way to more incorporation to music as it was known. It was the time when musical rules could be reinvented, altered and in some cases completely ignored (Hansen, et al 154). This classical music was described by many different works such as, orchestral, solos, operas, concertos, symphonies, chamber music, and many others (Hansen, et al 168). As stated by Hansen, et al, “Some musical styles within the modernist movement were impressionism, serialism, minimalism, electronic music, experimental music, and change music (160). All the musical styles were influenced through jazz but it was a moment of breakthrough for all the composers since all rules were ignored. Aaron Copland and Benjamin Britten were two composers of that century that shaped the way twentieth century classical music was viewed. The different elements of classical musical such as melody, harmony, texture, rhythm, timbre, and form are what characterized the twentieth century classical music. First, twentieth century music had taken a different approach than earlier music eras. There were varieties of differences which started from the instruments and the sounds that it produced to the complexity of the textures. The composers used new approaches and ideas to their compositions and broke many rules. The composers used the instruments and electronics to push ideas of “serious” music into the mainstream (Hansen, et al 169). The twentieth century was known for

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