
The Importance Of A Good Leader?

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This paper focuses that how we can improve ourselves in becoming an effective leader we want to become or need to be. Leaders who can influence the individual behaviors to make them absorb change and how to integrate this change with the exercise of power. Distribution of power and how employees perceive about power imposition on themselves and their positions in the organization. Trying to develop an action plan which a leader can effectively influence the individuals and drive them to work for a desired outcome satisfactorily. Additionally, trying to find answers on how leaders can use the authority in a positive manner and how they can use power to get the benefits out of the change with power imposing on their subordinates?
How do I …show more content…

The list can go on and on.
As a leader I would hope to be able to portray all of the above that I have listed. When talking about leaders, I have high expectation for them so I would end up being quit tough on myself as well. I would want to be an effective leader that carries a variety of traits and characteristics that can influence my team. Someone who can communicate effectively and facilitate the goals and advise how we will get there. I want to be someone who is ethical and fair; someone who my team can rely on if they ever need help or just to talk to.
In the past, I have witness some leadership who are one sided, unethical, and unresponsive and these are some traits I told myself that I will never want to have as an individual yet alone a leader in any future companies I will work for. Like the saying goes, “Only if I knew then what I knew now”.
Knowledge is a power thing. Every day will be a learning process and I will have to learn how to be a formal manager if I want to be in the role I want to be in the future. I would like to obtain skills that can lead my department/line of business and company for further funding, advancements, building a solid foundation, etc. To become a leader I need to have the following traits such as having a vision, goal oriented, be results oriented, focus, inspiring, proactive, optimism, charismatic,

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