
The Importance Of A Sustainable Future

Good Essays

Part 6A
"A sustainable future is one in which a healthy environment, economic prosperity and social justice are pursued simultaneously to ensure the well-being and quality of life of present and future generations. Education is crucial to attaining that future." (Learning for a Sustainable Future - Teacher Centre)
The dictionary meaning of sustainability is “the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level”. In real terms this means we need to treat and respect the environment and keep it at a level that the is still reasonable to the human eye. This is so that future generations will be able to enjoy the beautiful serenity in its respectful state.
A renewable resource is a resource which can be used repeatedly and replaced naturally. Solar power is the technology of obtaining usable energy from the light of the sun. Solar energy is a renewable source which has come into use where other power supplies are absent.
A non-renewable resource is a resource of economic value that cannot be readily replaced by natural means. Most fossil fuels, such as oil, natural gas and coal are all considered to be non-renewable resources.
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is used for lots of different activities. Zoning helps to manage and protect the Marine Park that users enjoy. Zoning Plans define what activities can occur in which locations. This is to protect the marine environment and to separate potentially harmful activities.
The main focus of the GBRMPA is to keep it as

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