
The Importance Of A Teacher Who Is Starting Your Career

Decent Essays

Throughout the semester I actively participated in all multiliteracy circles. I took on all roles throughout the course however, one thing that I found about the roles was that our group really didn’t need to have specific roles. Our group was so engaged that we all took on roles that needed to be done throughout the conversation. It helped that we all came fully prepared to have an active discussion with my group each day.

I had prepared a question for each class, they are listed below:
-What age should schools start teaching about racism in order to prevent having racist environments in the older grades?
-The one aspect that is troubling us in our planning is how does a non-First Nation teach a representation of a culture that they admire, but are not a part of?
-As a teacher, would it make it easier or more difficult to teach in a school that is regulated vastly or minimally by its stakeholders? Which situation would you prefer to be in as a teacher who is starting your career?
-That leads me to wonder, how do teachers ensure that their hidden curriculum validates the identity and shows fairness towards all their students?

Key Learnings from Class 1
During class 1 we discussed the hidden curriculum. One of our group members asked the question “How do we remove the hidden curriculum?” I found this to be an interesting question because essentially the question is “how do you keep your personal ideologies, and beliefs out of the classroom?” Our group came

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