
The Importance Of Achieving The American Dream

Decent Essays

According to many, the American Dream is still growing and prospering, but in order for one to achieve it they must possess the traits of determination, perseverance, and collaboration. We went around the school and interviewed some of our teachers in order to gain knowledge on the subject of how people in this society are achieving the American Dream. When the teachers were interviewed about social mobility, both of them said that at at least one point in their lives, they had to persevere through tough times. For example, Mrs. Kroboth said, “When I first got out of the air force there was an obstacle because of my career set skills set that I had and the jobs available at the time didn’t really match up”. At that time, she had to develop a whole new set of career skills through hard work to find an available job in the current society. …show more content…

Mrs. Krobath replied by saying “I think I have a lot more freedom in this country than other places that I’ve lived”. Many people have found that living in this country is more free than many other countries and Americans are able to go about their daily lives without being worried about doing something illegal. However, for the country to be as free as it is someone must have had the determination to make this country a better place for others. Finally, at the end of the interview, teachers were asked how they felt about the idea of individualism. Mrs. Kroboth stated, “Nobody gets through this life alone, nobody, so I don’t believe that this strict individualism, like pull yourself up by the bootstraps, I don’t believe that’s really true”. She fully believes that no matter how hard someone tries to live the American Dream, they cannot accomplish their goals without the collaboration with

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