
The Importance Of Animal Abuse

Decent Essays

The reason why animal abuse still exists is because the word abuse can be interpreted many ways . Animal abuse has been around since 1280 when animals were executed for their misdeeds and wrongdoings towards humans . Animals still have not gotten the justice they deserve . There are many different forms of abuse that animals go through that do not get addressed . Although , law enforcements do something to help with animal abuse they do not do enough (Beirne 1 ) . The government should enforce more harsher laws because animal cruelty is unethical , felonies against animals should be taken more serious , and animals have moral rights . Society sees any kind of abuse as morally wrong but animal abuse is particularly immoral because animals have no voice . Animals are brought into people's home as workers , pets , and sometimes considered family . Research has even found that cruelty to animals results / resulted in the hardening of people's heart of fellow humans . Since pets are considered family it is hard for cruelty against them to be accepted by society as right when they compare the abuse of a dog to a child . It is found through research that 84% of responders to a survey think of themselves as the mother or father of their pets . Since animals are the closest thing to humans they have a close association with the life of humans and aid in regular life . (Ryan 1 . ) Since animals are so closely associated with humans some feel that animal abuse should be a form of

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