
Essay On Interview With A Teacher

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When I first found out that the interview person was going to be a principal and former teacher, I was intrigued because my father is a middle school teacher. It was interesting to hear the view point of a current principal compared to what I hear from my dad. For example, I hear my dad talk about the state standards and tests that he is judged off of, and Ms. Walls mentioned this during the discussion. I think that being successful at any leadership position, in this case a teacher, a person needs to be passionate and creative. Therefore, it was disheartening to hear about the sanctions that have been placed on schools today that have limited the flexibility of the teachers. Both Ms. Wall and my dad have talked about the stress that …show more content…

One of the specific things that Ms. Walls said was something like, “If I paid attention to what we don’t have, I would drown”. This specifically stood out to me because I think that a leader is someone who strives to make things better for his or her followers, but also works with what he or she has. There is no use in dwelling on what we don’t have. Sometimes I find myself looking back on something and being frustrated that a different outcome would have made my life much smoother. For example, coming from a family that had four kids in college at one point, money has always been tight. I sometimes wonder how much easier it would be if money was not an issue. For the future, I want to be able to use something like this (a chip on my shoulder in essence), and instead of dwelling on it, turn it into motivation to strive to reach and surpass my goals. My parents have always taught us to work hard in order to achieve our dreams because it will not be handed to you. It is my goal as a person, and leader for others, to use the obstacles in life as inspiration to achieve better. Another subject we touched on was the qualities to look for in a leader, in this case a teacher. Ms. Walls echoed the sentiments of Kevin Hughes when she said that, as principal, she tries to create a balanced team of staff members. She said she tries to choose people who are leaders and who have a shared vision as her. The person

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