
The Importance Of Community College

Decent Essays

During high school as a juniors and seniors the time comes to research, visit, and apply for colleges or scholarship seeing that it is a huge impact and decisions that can completely change your future. There are different types of extended studying after high school for example trade school, community colleges, Historically black college universities (HBCU), Predominantly white universities (PWI), All women colleges or All male colleges. When looking into what college you would like to attend you should also keep in mind the major and the specified programs for that major that the schools offers. No one can give you the insight better than someone who experienced it first hand LaKiyah Seard, is a “19 year old african american female”, “attending and began at the Coed PWI of University of Maryland, majoring in Psychology”. Seard spent “freshman year living on campus but this semester living at home”. Traci Perkins, is a “19 years old african american female”, “attending and began at the HBCU of Bowie State University as a commuter, living at home” is “studying Psychology and Education.” Myonna Dozier, is a “19 year old african american female”, “attending Prince George’s Community College after transferring from a HBCU”. Dozier was “previously on campus while at the HBCU but now living in parents house while at a community college, studying for a major in social work”.
Where you live and distance while studying is also a big decision. You have many choices from on campus

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