
The Importance Of Drilling In Gunsmith Kinks

Satisfactory Essays

This week in our readings and we read about making and replacing obsolete gun parts in the FAT 100 course text, and touched on some tips and tricks for drilling and tapping in Gunsmith Kinks. Chapter six in the FAT 100 course text covered making and replacing obsolete gun parts. Chapter six in our course text covered a wide range of operations that are involved in manufacturing firearms parts. I will briefly go over my thoughts on this week’s readings in this short paper.

I haven’t been put in a situation where I would have to think about making or replacing obsolete gun parts. The vast majority of firearms I’ve owned have been manufactured within the last 20 years, so there has been no need for me to fabricate replacement parts for them due to a wealth of parts availability. Although I lack personal experience dealing with the subjects …show more content…

I’ve done minimal amounts of metal work in my life, so learning about speed of the milling cutter, the longitudinal feed of the work table and how these things affect our cuts and the product helped me understand what goes into the milling process a lot better. The part of this chapter that covered choice of machine was probably the most helpful for me. It was great to get an idea of what I need to take into consideration when selecting a machine, such as “how many parts are to be milled, the type of work to be milled, the amount of power necessary, and the means of power transmission—by individual, group, or lineshaft drive.” And that “Other concerns are the need to mill plane surfaces, and to do die sinking or gang milling. finally, the decision between automatic or non-automatic hinges on the number of pieces you expect to produce.” Now that I’ve gotten a better idea of where my focus needs to be, hopefully I’ll be able to select a machine a little bit

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