
The Importance Of Education

Decent Essays

In America, citizens have the right to obtain an education that will withstand the test of time. This education that is given to us at no cost for twelve years of our lives is a gift like no other. Our school systems employ professionals to teach each individual student what they must know to be successful in life. I have been particularly blessed to make it through my primary education with the fondest of memories. I had the opportunity to start school in pre-kindergarten, continue to Junior High, and now I am experiencing college while being a senior in high-school. Sadly, it is common that many students will not have an experience like mine. In a short essay called An Indian Father’s Plea a Native American father, Robert Lake-Thom, reveals the hardships that are faced by students that do not fit the mold. I remember the exact pre-school that I attended when I was five, and I even remember some of the close friends that I made. Pre-school was a time for me to be introduced to other kids, and to learn basic skills such as reciting the alphabet. Often, I forget that I even attended this meager school, but I am thankful for the social skills that it taught me. In the short essay, Lake-Thom tells his son’s teacher about the education his son gained at five years old. The son, Wind Wolf, did not attend a pre-school. Wind Wolf stayed with his mother to learn everything important to his heritage. This included coming to know his tribe, and the natural world around him. Wind

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